
Rats wreak havoc in my Superb: Skoda's admirable after sales response

The final bill came out to be 4206 rupees, and the car was handed back to us on the very same day. A fantastic experience!

BHPian GForceEnjoyer recently shared this with other enthusiasts.


One rainy morning while refueling and setting the tyre pressures, we realised that rats had gotten to the car!  Immediately visible in the daylight was the damage done to the plastic trim below the windshield wipers.

The bag of naphthalene balls was a stop-gap measure until we could procure anti-rat spray for our cars.

For comparison, here is the unaffected side of the same piece of trim.

Unfortunately, the rats had also bitten clean through the pipe that feeds one of the windshield washers, and chewed up some of the insulation under the hood (the white strands visible below). We realised something was wrong when we tried operating the washer and nothing happened at all.

(Please ignore the dirt, all these were taken immediately after a drive through three hours of unrelenting rain.)

Here's why this was quite the fix: the morning of the discovery was also the morning on which we planned to drive from Hyderabad to Jabalpur (800 kilometres)! So our best hope lay in spending some time examining the extent of the damage (no warning lights, so that was a big plus) and hoping that the car was fully drivable. Thankfully this was the case and the Superb performed as flawlessly as ever on the journey, apart from the windshield washer (the numerous torrential downpours played their part in keeping the windshield clean throughout ).

As soon as we got back to Hyderabad a few days later, we immediately took the car in for service. It was confirmed that the plastic trim (did not need to be replaced), insulation and windshield washer pipes were the only damaged items, which were all in stock with PPS Skoda Financial District. The final bill came out to be 4206 rupees, and the car was handed back to us on the very same day. A fantastic experience!

It was incredibly lucky that the damage was so limited. Serious damage would have entailed not only a hefty repair bill but also a significant delay on our journey to Jabalpur that morning; having to drive back home, transfer all the luggage to the Fiesta, recalibrate its tyre pressures and then set out again.

Here's the Superb chilling during a quick change of drivers.

The world looks so much more beautiful after a torrential downpour! Truly treat for the eyes.

Here's the odometer reading at present

Read BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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