About Us

    Advait Hinge

    Advait Hinge

    Advait Hinge

    A sucker for expensive cars with big engines, I hate tuning for more power. Instead, I prefer them built that way - at the factory itself! My passion for cars has only grown with time. Fun Sunday afternoons were spent taking apart as much as possible of Dad's car and then, trying to put it all back together (not that it always worked, still..). Born and brought up in Mumbai, I am now settled in New York. A blunt eccentric person, a boring electrical engineer, an avid reader, a computer geek and a gadget freak describe me perfectly. You won't know me as a heavy poster, though I'm always logged on to Team-BHP. 

    I believe the Mercedes-Benz 300SL Gullwing Coupe is the most beautiful automobile ever designed. Though I've driven a number of great cars over the years, my favorites - the Lamborghini Diablo, Aston Martin Lagonda and Dodge Viper - have remained ever elusive. I also adore the BMW E38 sedans as well as the Mercedes-Benz W140's. If you ask me, Land Rovers are the way to go when it comes to difficult terrain. Trains and ships arouse my curiosity too.

    See you around the forums!

    Ajit Matthew

    Ajit Matthew

    Ajit Matthew

    As one of the old men on the forum, salt & pepper hair adds panache to my young heart! I am a Manager at the world's largest semi-conductor company. On the personal front, I am married and have a beautiful daughter. My free time is spent playing golf, collecting art and travelling. I began life in England and moved to India for 6 months - that was 15 years ago!

    I love spicing Team-BHP with my wicked dry humour and also monitor a lot of international motoring media. First Drive : Mercedes 350SE (W114) at the age of 9 - sat on the owner's lap and steered it around a field. First Car : Peugeot 309 SRi - Ugly, invisible but hot....it was the best car I've ever owned. Track Record : Enjoyed many Ferraris on track in the UK. In India, I burned my Vtec's tyres on the Chennai track. It is far from perfect, but what the heck as long as it's fun! The wildest drive was in a Porsche 993 Cabriolet at 220 kph with the top down (ever picked flies from your teeth?), while the craziest car I have ever driven is a VW-engined Trabant. Confession : Have done sewage drifts in an Ambassador. My steeds : Honda City Vtec - fun but flawed. Maruti Swift - fun but fat. Skoda Octavia 1.8 vRS - fun but not trouble free. A VW Jetta 2.0 TDI with a 6-speed manual box became a part of our garage in 2012. 

    Jairam Sukumar

    Jairam Sukumar

    Jairam Sukumar

    I am a Bangalore-based electrical engineer who works with circuits for a living. A sedate driver, I enjoy long road-trips, but don't push myself. Love the countryside morning sunrise to the late night dinner. I have toured India extensively via public transport, and am now in the process of rediscovering the same by driving through it (just like most of us, isn't it?). With the kind of roads that Bangalore has, it's always a car with high ground clearance for me. I like the concept of compact crossovers for their sheer utility. Personal ride = Renault Duster, earlier ride = Ford Fusion.

    My interests are more into maps & routes, and it's Google Maps which attracts me the most. There lies my passion to explore the unexplored. Add to that, the thrill of a good drive and a desire to capture the unseen. Fact is, I discovered both these passions only after joining this wonderful community.

    Team-BHP surely is the most well-maintained forum I have seen, with answers to all topics that one can think of. I've also made good friends here. Trivia: my first post on any public forum was on Team-BHP! I'm not into public forums as such, yet the sheer value & knowledge creation of this site drew me in. 

    Imran Jeddy

    Imran Jeddy

    Imran Jeddy


    An avid biker, I love my Royal Enfield ThunderBird. She's a July '03 build and I honestly have no idea how many kms she has done since! The speedometer console was removed a long time back. First time that I sat on her, felt her move, swaying and dancing on the road, I fell in love. A WagonR serves me dutifully when it's time for 4 wheels or 4 passengers. I love bikes....and appreciate cars.

    To me, unadulterated pleasure is looking at my hands covered in grease & grime while working on my bike. I'm not an expert mechanic, yet I do know my nuts and bolts. My first ride was a BSA SLR somewhere in 1990; the only ride which got performance upgrades in the form of gears. I had a 7 free-wheel setup at the rear and a twin at the front. The craziest thing ever done was riding her down the Anna Flyover (Chennai). Used to ride fast and wasn't expected to survive adolescence. Motorized transportation started with a Kinetic Pride which I took apart to see what a piston looked like. Don't know what I did wrong (or right?); top speed came down to 30 while mileage shot up to 90. Moved on to a Morris Minor which I raced against snobby girls in their Maruti 800's (those were the days).

    My riding / driving style has changed over the years. Today, I'm a lot more sedate and calm. No longer a racer, I like to keep the revvs easy. Though, ever so often, the old flame burns fiery and I let myself go. Without my bike, I'd end up in an asylum of some sort.

    It's great to be a part of this wonderful community.

    Sumitro Chakravarty

    Sumitro Chakravarty

    Sumitro Chakravarty

    Introducing myself has been the toughest task till date, especially when it comes to Team-BHP! I joined Team-BHP in 2005 and haven't put up an intro thread till date. Partly because I am lazy, and partly because I've been waiting all these years to do something fruitful in life in order to feel good about posting an introduction. But I could not escape forever. It is mandatory to post here after becoming a moderator.

    I am Sumitro. Born and brought up in Calcutta, an Electronics & Telecommunications engineer by education and a software programmer by profession. I currently drive a Mini Cooper in the UK and a Thar & Bolero 4x4 in India. The big dream was to become a rally driver and I have participated in a few rallies as well. Went to a rally training session called "Gill Drill" and did quite well.  But it seems that the dream is going to remain just that, as age is no longer on my side (and money was never by my side!!).

    I learned driving at an early age and attended several advanced driving + riding courses, along with a few safety programs. Have driven hundreds of thousands of kilometres in India, USA, UK and Europe. People accuse me of being biased towards 4WD vehicles, but the fact is, I love fast sedans and hatchbacks as much as I love those old school body-on-frame 4x4s. In fact, I love anything with wheels - even my suitcases have "Live to Drive" stickers on them!

    Apart from cars, I love to travel and am a bigtime foodie. One dream that is still alive is to settle in the Himalayas some day! It is a great honour to be part of the Team-BHP Mod group. Requesting the continued support and co-operation of everyone from the BHPian family.

    Chirag Moro

    Chirag Moro

    Chirag Moro

    Dad had an RX100 when I was a kid; he had to take me for a ride on this bike every day after returning from work. I literally cried the day he gave it away.
    We then got our first car in early 2000 - a dark green Maruti 800 with a 5-speed MT. I fell in love with it instantly! We had the car for eleven years before it was replaced in late 2010 with a brown Ritz. Road-trips to different parts of Karnataka and its neighboring states were frequent. Though, we sometimes used to borrow my uncle's Bolero if my grandparents joined in. I've been lucky to be part of a family that enjoys traveling on a regular basis. This meant a lot of national + international trips and a hard drive (cloud?) full of photos.

    I was initially torn between my love for cars and my passion for airplanes. The draw toward planes grew stronger with each episode of National Geographic's Air Crash Investigation & every flight I took. In the end, cars prevailed. I chose to study mechanical engineering; during this time, I got into photography as well. I used to roam the streets of Bangalore taking pictures of supercars over weekends.

    During my four years of engineering, my classmate introduced me to automotive quizzing. This proved to be a turning point in my life. We used to go to different colleges to take part in interesting quizzes...usually ending up on the podium. This soon grew to national-level quizzes. Evenings & weekends were spent on automotive websites, magazines and TV shows to prepare for these quizzes. I rarely touched my engineering books.

    That got me interested in automotive journalism. I began writing for a few websites and eventually started by own. At the same time, I decided to pursue my Masters in Automotive Journalism from Coventry University, UK. Highlights of the course included a trip to the 2017 Geneva Motor Show and developing a print magazine.

    It feels great to be a part of this awesome community, sharing similar interests and contributing to the immense amount of unbiased information on Team-BHP.

    Aditya Bahri

    Aditya Bahri

    Aditya Bahri

    Hello People,

    Here's a "pukka" Delhi'ite, having been born & brought up here. I work as a Manager in the Telecom industry. 

    Contrary to 99% of the population here on Team-BHP, I was guilty of abusing the cars that I drove. Thanks to this forum, I've learned to care for my rides and treat them well. I bumped into Team-BHP sometime in 2007 (Thanks Google!) and have been hooked ever since. Sure, I had initial reservations about the profile of the forum, but quickly realised that people here can wear different hats and advise accordingly. I'm not your regular tech expert and rely a lot on other BHPians for tips. My garage includes two value-for-money driver's cars: A Ford Ikon and a Maruti Swift VDi ABS. I like how discussions on non-automotive topics in the "Shifting Gears" section are equally fruitful. I am part of quite a few forums online (mostly using the same handle), yet none of them have come close to becoming a part of my life as Team-BHP has. This also remains the only forum that has given me friends offline.

    I am a street foodie and enjoy tasting all kinds of cuisines. Good thing that Delhi has a rich food culture then. Watching movies and listening to oldies is what I'd do on a lazy Sunday afternoon. Cricket is a diehard passion that I share with millions of other Indians.

    It's time to contribute my two cents to the forum that has taught me so much. Hope to do my best and expect a lot of support from you guys. 

    Ganesh Raja

    Ganesh Raja

    Ganesh Raja

    I was born in Theni (near Madurai) and am currently settled in Coimbatore. By profession, I am an Embedded Systems Engineer.

    Started driving cars late in life in my thirties. I love going on long road-trips through different landscapes and scenery, experiencing different cultures, historical architecture and local cuisine. For me, it's all about the smaller things like having tea at a roadside stall, eating simple food in that roadside dhaba, rolling down the windows and enjoying the wind on the face etc. These are memories that stay with us for life. Sharing these memories on the forum via Team-BHP Travelogues is something I love doing.

    Astrophotography is a hobby I am very passionate about. I'm big on photographing deep space objects like galaxies and nebulae with my telescope & Astro-camera setup. Looking at these objects and studying them can be humbling. The size, distance and age of celestial objects makes me feel so insignificant in space and time, both. I travel to dark sites with my equipment loaded in the car and spend nights capturing these deep space objects. I'm also fond of shooting cars, animals, birds, landscape and architecture.

    I discovered health and fitness in my 40s. From being an overweight, unfit individual to a decently fit person, I have learnt many lessons in health, fitness and lifestyle changes. I've tried my hand in endurance sports too, such as long distance running, biking, swimming and triathlons. I've retired from endurance sports now, but continue with strength + mobility training and fasting as a lifestyle. I share these learnings with my friends and influence them to convert to healthy lifestyles. On our forum as well, I've compiled many posts with the benefits of a healthy life.

    Been on Team-BHP for about 10 years now and am happy to be a part of the Moderator team.

    Jayakrishnan M

    Jayakrishnan M

    Jayakrishnan M

    Hello BHPians. I am Jayakrishnan from God's own country, Kerala and a Human Resource Manager by profession. Yes, I can read minds and play management games, which means that I've touched upon Psychology and an MBA in my academic career. My prettier half is a Business Analyst; we share our spare time with road trips and the pet Labrador. 

    I started out with tying a torch to a Hotwheels Lancia Integra (night driving!) and soon enough, cars & mechanical bits became a part of my life. I owe a lot to Dad, an engineer by heart, who guided me on the finer aspects of automobiles. Driving & riding came at a very early stage...it's the Yamaha RD350 that transformed my existence. Believe it or not, this legendary bike brought me to Team-BHP. My garage has been home to a Maruti Gypsy, Jeep CJ3B, Ford Ikon, Honda City, Maruti Swift and some others. 

    My interest in cars is more inclined towards the technical aspects rather than remembering model numbers. Motorsports is also an area of keen interest. I've gotten myself labelled as a grease monkey, with most people concerned if they don't see parts and tools in my driveway. A quest for mechanical precision has frequently landed me in awkward situations, so I should have a tale or two to share with you. Gadgets and gizmos grab my attention too. Fortunately, my girl has some reign on the wallet.

    Team-BHP is a very integral part of my life, and the expression "extended family" would be an understatement. So, thank you all! I look forward to sharing some more.


    Nishad Gorhe

    Nishad Gorhe

    Nishad Gorhe

    Ladies and gentlemen,

    It is quite the pleasure to be on Team-BHP.com, and now, even more so as a Moderator! I've been a part of the forum for over a decade and have thoroughly enjoyed contributing and learning from it. The wealth of knowledge - across an immensely wide spectrum of topics - has been a continual delight. I often find myself reading about new car launches, then a neat DIY, on to fighter jets and thereon to an entirely different topic, all within a day!

    This is to the credit of all the members, and all the Moderators. So, thank you! To that effect, I am sincerely glad to be on the Moderator team to further Team-BHP!

    I grew up in Pune, but have spent most of my adult life across India and abroad - studying, working, traveling. Armed with the cliched Engineering + MBA background, I work in Advisory Consulting.

    Automobiles have always fascinated me and while I am not the most technically-inclined, I find it very fulfilling to indulge in them - understanding, maintaining and driving cars beyond my heart's content. What has kept me hooked is the liberty of travel that automobiles offer - the ability to explore, immerse and gain perspective. Be it riding all over South India while in college, or driving across states to the ocean, mountains or someplace new, to hopping buses to destinations, to exploring countries by rail, road and air. An unimaginable privilege!

    Beyond travel, I love to explore culture. Hence I'm always up for theatre, plays, symphonies, music, trekking, reading and aviation. Courtesy excellent threads and the very knowledgeable members here, I've been able to further enrich my experience in them.

    Being on this forum has led me to explore several hobbies and activities, and in equal measure, led to friendships that I deeply cherish. All in all, Team-BHP is a terrific place to be!

    Kiran Chitnis

    Kiran Chitnis

    Kiran Chitnis

    It feels great to be a part of the Support Team and I'm absolutely thrilled about contributing to the greatest car community I know!

    I spent the first 18 years of my life in Bombay, after which my family moved to Pune. The automotive bug bit me early; I vividly recall stopping by Pranlal Bhogilal's impeccable collection of vintage cars on the drive up to our Walkeshwar home. A stop-by was mandatory, irrespective of the day or time. That doesn't hold me down to classic cars only, though this breed is my main area of interest. I love anything under the sun with wheels and an engine in it, whether it's a slow trailer truck or a fast motorcycle. The best I've experienced so far are the Mercedes-Benz Gullwing and Ferrari 275 GTS/B. There's a thread on the forum about that day.

    I stumbled upon Team-BHP while looking for a used Safari way back in '04. Luckily for me, 10 BHPians jumped in to stop me from making a blunder. I moved on to buying a Palio 1.6 for myself. Used the Palio GTX for a fab 5 years and clocked over 100,000 kms with it. A Swift Diesel followed and it's been a good "kpl" journey since. I love driving long distances and much prefer single lane highways to the boring expressways. Claim to fame? Once rode a Kinetic from Kashmir to Kanyakumari. I hold some kind of Limca book record for this feat.

    My dream garage should have a stash of classics that I can use everyday. An Alfa Romeo 8C is at the very top of my wishlist. 

    I am here to shoulder responsibilities for the upkeep of the forum. Do have a fun revving time on Team-BHP, while keeping our quest for quality in mind.

    Omkar Shendge

    Omkar Shendge

    Omkar Shendge


    Life has so far been interesting. Like anyone who's reading this, I too have loved cars since a very young age. Owing to this passion, I graduated as an Automobile Engineer. Fresh out of college, I took my first job as an insurance claims adjuster. But being around banged-up cars all day long and getting engulfed in endless paperwork wasn't for me. Decided to make a living by driving cars + writing about them. Got my first real opportunity with Team-BHP, then went on to write for a magazine and a few other websites. Now, I'm back with India's best car community! On the side, I spent a couple of years managing a car repair workshop in Mumbai with some friends. So, when I say life's been interesting, it's been a journey of exploring different avenues of the automotive industry. From testing new cars to helping with insurance queries to diagnosing car issues to finding the perfect used car...it's been fun. The quest for exploring more avenues continues, and what better platform to support it than Team-BHP.com. 

    My list of favorite cars is short. It includes the BMW E46 M3 GTR, Jaguar XKSS, Lancia Delta Integrale and McLaren F1. In my eyes, these are truly legendary automobiles. The car journey for me started with my Dad's Alto. Drove the wheels off that car and although it's not in the garage anymore, it will always have a place in my heart. I still have my carbureted Yamaha FZ-S from college, which is old, yet special. Currently, the family has a Swift and a Polo. Most of my weekends are spent watching F1 races or WRC videos, or even some random British Touring Car Championship races. I enjoy playing racing games on my PC, although I'm too old for it now. Going out usually includes a trip to the karting track for hot laps and some wheel-to-wheel action with friends. Other interests include travel, food, coffee, pets, tech and movies. 

    Team-BHP has always been a great source of knowledge. But for most of us, it has also created a strong sense of community that is unparalleled on the internet (and off it too). See you on the forums! 

    Rehaan Batliboi

    Rehaan Batliboi

    Rehaan Batliboi

    Like most car nuts, I started off very young with a large collection of toy cars. Have slowly worked my way up from there, and I'm finally getting to play with Ferraris, Porsches, M5s and AMGs in real life! To me, the automobile is an ideal blend of physics, chemistry, engineering, art and emotion; that pretty much explains my obsession at the elemental level.

    High on my list of favourite cars are the Ferrari F355, Impreza WRX STi, BMW E46 M3, Ford GT40 and Porsche 911 GT2. The full list is very long, yet this should give you an inkling of what I'm all about. Excellent dynamics, driver involvement and outright fun trump monstrous power and straight line speed in my books. Technical tracks, twisty mountain roads and challenging corners are what put a smile on my face. No number of laps around a track is ever enough for me!

    I graduated as an Industrial Designer from the Rhode Island School of Design, but I'm keeping myself busy with other things. In addition to automobiles, I also have a strong interest in technology, computers and photography. Yes, quite a geek.

    I enjoy taking part in technical discussions on the forum, and I love the collaborative information sharing, helping & problem-solving that goes on here. To me, that's what Team-BHP is all about; a place where people come to share and learn, helping everyone in the process. There's not a day that goes by where I don't learn something new from our members, and there's not a day where the community doesn't amaze me in some way or the other. The beauty of our forum is that it goes beyond just cars and the internet. In the time we've been around, Team-BHP is probably responsible for almost as many lifelong friendships as car purchases :)

    I do hope Team-BHP provides great entertainment and knowledge to you. Don't ever hesitate to reach out to us members of the Support Team with any issues or suggestions you might have!

    Sharath Shetty

    Sharath Shetty

    Sharath Shetty

    My stint with Team-BHP started with the search for a performance car... I ended up getting a lot more than just automotive advice. I won enough friends for a lifetime!! My car craze began with an Acura 3.2 TL that I owned in the States, and it continued as I moved back to India with a Suzuki Baleno (sedan). Here's an interesting factoid: In 100,000+ miles of driving in the States, I have never been pulled over by the cops. That pretty much explains my driving style which is spirited, yet safe and within limits.

    I have lived mostly in Karnataka, except for that 9-year stint in the United States. My primary obsession used to be martial arts. Since I crossed 50, I now focus on staying fit and healthy. I don't get too technical about cars, yet love long torque-happy drives on the road. That said, I can go deep into the science behind certain automotive technologies, or even on general topics within the "Shifting Gears" forum. Off-roading, economics and photography are my other interests.

    I create software for putting food on the table, like most people in Bangalore :-)

    Sheel Priye

    Sheel Priye

    Sheel Priye


    I joined Team-BHP way back in '06, but started taking a keen interest only when I was shopping for my first car. After that, there was no looking back! This forum's approach to all things automotive and otherwise, has made me a lifelong fan. And now, here I am with the added responsibility of a moderator - a token of thanks to fellow moderators of this beautiful & passionate community.

    I am madly in love with motorcycles that go fast and corner just as well. Of late, I have also begun to appreciate 4x4 SUVs with go-anywhere capability. In my opinion, this is the ideal way to tour the length & breadth of our amazing country. My perfect garage consists of a nimble street motorbike with an inline-4 engine, and a kitted-up body on frame Japanese SUV for 4-wheeling duties.

    I've had my share of flings with metropolitan cities and am now back to home base Purnea for good. I'm barely 150 km away from the hills. So, once a fortnight, I ride there to enjoy the fresh, cool air and 'thukpa'.

    Suhaas Shenoy

    Suhaas Shenoy

    Suhaas Shenoy

    People recognize me as an automobile enthusiast, music lover, rationalist and one who is eager to learn. Those who know me often say that I was born in the wrong generation; I could have fitted well amongst the kids of the '60s and '70s. I'm a big fan of music from that era too. My life would be incomplete without Pink Floyd, especially their early music. I'm pursuing a degree in Law and hope to spread my tentacles into various fields of work. Would prefer it if they are in some way connected to automobiles.

    I have a very strong passion for Porsches. My favourites would be the iconic 2.7 RS, 2.8 RSR, 3.0 RSR (all from the '70s) and the 964 Turbo. The original Mini, especially the Cooper variant, holds a special place in my heart. I'm an ardent fan of Honda cars and hot hatchbacks as well. Give me something with a short wheelbase and a pokey motor, and I'd be chuffed!

    They say that the curious cat's best friend is Google. For me, it would be Team-BHP. I strongly believe in this quote (slightly altered): Cluttered Forum = Cluttered Minds. I'm grateful to Rush and gang for Team-BHP. It's my second home now. 

    Thank you for reading & see you around the forum!

    Rajvinder Singh

    Rajvinder Singh

    Rajvinder Singh

    Hello BHPians,

    My journey with Team-BHP started many years ago. By nature, I try my best to help others from whatever I know or can do for them. I feel at home on this forum, given how the community has developed over the years. Fellow members have great respect for each other, and we all feel proud to say that we are members of Team-BHP.

    I started driving way back in the eighties; I must have been 12 - 13 when I sat in the driver's seat of the car while my school friends pushed it! I drove at slow speeds in neutral gear across the street. Gradually, I could muster up the courage to drive in the lower gears. In later years, I would do the same thing with my Dad's Vijay Super scooter. Trust me when I say this, I have done wilder stunts on that scooter than I have on the big, bad motorcycles I eventually acquired.

    I have lost more money by buying & selling cars than anything else (haven't we all!). I started with Dad's Ambassador and then purchased a used Maruti 800 (SS80). This was around 1997. Since then, I have been lucky to drive some of the best cars in the market. For whatever reasons, I have been primarily loyal to Toyota, BMW and for a brief period, Mitsubishi. My first Mercedes happened only in 2021. Apart from cars, my other hobby is home audio. Currently in the process of building my dream 2-channel setup.

    I never thought that I would move to the Moderator level here, and when the opportunity presented itself, I gladly accepted.

    Utkarsh Chaudhary

    Utkarsh Chaudhary

    Utkarsh Chaudhary

    Although my love for cars developed at an early age, it spiked when I came across a video game called "Midtown Madness" back in the day. This might sound bizarre, but the game somewhat helped me understand cars.

    While I was enjoying that newfound fascination, the motorcycling bug bit me. Since then, I've been into bikes & never looked back. It's not that I dislike cars, but if I have to pick between driving a car and riding a motorcycle, I'd prefer the latter.

    I've been privileged enough to swing my leg over a plethora of two-wheelers over the years - from 100cc scooters to litre-class superbikes. My first motorcycle was a 2012 TVS Apache RTR 180 ABS; my current ride is a `19 Royal Enfield Continental GT 650.

    This passion for automobiles also guided me in my career. I studied Mechanical Engineering, during which I began writing about vehicles. While the course helped me gain knowledge about automobiles, writing allowed me to stay updated about all the happenings in the industry - domestic and international. Who knew writing would become my profession!

    Team-BHP needs no introduction. I'm glad to be a part of its brilliant team and contribute to this ever-growing community.

    Vidyut Yagnik

    Vidyut Yagnik

    Vidyut Yagnik

    Hello Folks,

    The name is Vidyut, which means electricity in Hindi. This name was chosen by my Grandma as there were frequent power cuts in Kolkata at the time!! Dad worked with the Bank of India and kept getting transferred from one place to another. After Kolkata, we lived in Bihar for a couple of years and then, in Bombay. Next up were international stints with 3 years each in Hong Kong & Singapore. The family finally settled in Bangalore. Till date, if anyone asks me where I'm from, I just draw a blank. If they insist, they end up listening to the story above :). I have an Engineering degree in Electronics & Communication, and work in the semi-conductor industry. 

    Dad says he had to buy a black Ambassador in '87 because that was the only car I ever wanted. We also owned a W124 Mercedes which I, at the age of 13, knew more about than my Father. I stumbled upon Team-BHP in 2006 while researching on new tyres for my black Lancer SFXi. Shortly after, I attended a Team-BHP Meet & the car detailing bug bit me. Today, I'm known for keeping my cars real nice & shiny. I'm also particularly interested in performance tyres and Motorsports. Circa 2008, I decided to upgrade from the Lancer. With all the gyan and high expectations as a BHPian, I simply couldn't find a car that would fulfill my criteria. I finally ended up with the safest option in the market - A black Toyota Altis. Some months later, a Figo diesel joined the garage. I'm told that my car reviews are incredibly accurate. Look up my test-drive reports on Team-BHP, including one on a Tempo Traveller!

    I have learnt a lot from Team-BHP and am happy to say I came out a wiser person. As a Moderator, I try my best to maintain this forum's quality and share whatever knowledge I have with other BHPians. 

    Aditya Nadkarni

    Aditya Nadkarni

    Aditya Nadkarni

    Born in '76, I've been crazy about cars for as long as I can remember. I was a demanding child; Grandpa just had to give me a short drive in his Ford Zephyr every day before leaving for work. With age, this craze became a diehard passion. Unfortunately, passion doesn't count when you want to take up automotive engineering....marks at school do. So, after studying Commerce at Bombay University, I worked in the accounting field.

    I started with an ol' Ambassador and spent a lot of time watching mechanics take it apart & put it together again. That was a fabulous learning process! Soon, I began carrying out light repairs myself. As the years passed, cars changed and so did my job. I freelanced for an automobile magazine and participated in several events, rallies & endurance runs. Motorcycles? Owned a Suzuki Shogun for a while and rode the wheels off it. Commercial vehicles with monstrous torque excite me too. My current steeds are a Mitsubishi Lancer and b'Twin Rockrider 5.0 bicycle. I'd like to get home a Triumph Bonneville someday. Apart from vehicles, I have a keen interest in wildlife, cricket, football (LFC in particular) and tennis.

    Team-BHP is a vault of information and its quality has remained absolutely top notch, right from the early days. Feels great to be a part of this glorious community.

    Akshay Dube

    Akshay Dube

    Akshay Dube

    Hey guys,

    I'm excited to join the team of Moderators and be able to give back to this community. Team-BHP has taught me a lot about cars and made me meet some wonderful people. Best part is, there are still new things I learn here every day.

    I've been in Bombay all my life. Studied at the Cathedral & John Connon School, and thereafter at HR College. I worked at 2 international banks, before arriving at the conclusion that corporate life wasn't for me. The entrepreneurship bug bit and I decided to start my own venture in the automotive aftermarket industry.

    Always been nuts about cars - right from collecting Hot Wheels scale models when I was 4, then reading car magazines through the teens, to the current times when I'm called crazy because of the way I take care of my cars & all the rules I have for them. We've had a varied garage - the humble Maruti 800, 118 NE & Armada Grand, to more recently owning some Bimmers and my latest love, a 500+ BHP AMG. One thing for sure, nothing beats the sound of a high performance petrol engine!

    I'm incredibly particular about maintaining my cars. A li'l extreme in that sense, yet nothing is more satisfying than seeing your ride in immaculate shape. Cars form my primary area of interest; apart from that, it's got to be gizmos, travel & airplanes.

    See you on the forum.

    Ameya K

    Ameya K

    Ameya K

    I'm a 45-year old professional based out of Mumbai. Born and brought up in Delhi, but moved to Bombay & Pune in my teens. Spent my college years in Pune, a city I still have a close connection with, courtesy my mum maintaining a small base there.

    I've been nuts about all things wheels ever since I can remember. As a child, it meant skates & bicycles. As an adult, it's pretty much everything with wheels that I can lay my hands on - from bicycles to cars to motorcycles! To be honest, I even love zipping around on my N-Torq scooter.

    My professional life is fairly hectic and it means I can't take all the kinds of road-trips I'd otherwise love to... especially to remote, disconnected places. But I do make up for it with whatever best I can muster. Covid has only meant that we've taken a lot more to the road in the absence of free movement by air (or overseas) and I'm not regretting that too much. Love the phase of being able to drive to a lot of my holiday destinations. WFH means 'work from anywhere' all too often, so that again has facilitated taking more road-trips than we've ever taken in the past.

    My primary hobbies revolve around endurance sports; I've taken to running, triathlons and open water swimming. Have dabbled in full marathons, half Ironmans and up to 5 km in open water.

    My love for all things automobiles and this forum in particular meant I simply could not resist taking up the Moderator role when Rush offered it up in 2022. I look forward to this new avatar of my association with Team-BHP and hope to contribute to it as best as I can.

    Benson B

    Benson B

    Benson B

    Although named Benson, I am known as Benny both on the forum, and off it. Born in Dubai, I've been exposed to exotics right from childhood itself. I came to India in pursuit of a higher education and am lucky enough to have worked with renowned software majors who shaped my career. After a wonderful time in Hyderabad, I am currently settled in Bangalore. Cars have always been a passion; I still have some scale models preserved from the early days, and a display case for these cars was a pre-requisite in my new apartment! I am the kind of driver who enjoys relaxed long drives, rather than one who gives in to the thrill of speed. Have been blessed with a supportive wife who loves road trips as well. My current ride is a Ford Ikon which I thoroughly enjoy for its wonderful steering & sharp driving dynamics.  

    While I go about my stint as a Moderator on this wonderful forum, I look forward to your co-operation and support, without which Team-BHP wouldn't have been able to achieve what it has so far.

    Keep Revvin'

    Chetan Rao

    Chetan Rao

    Chetan Rao

    I have no idea how to answer the 'where are you from?' question! Born to Kannadiga parents in M.P., we lived all over central & northern India before my folks settled down in MP and I ended up in Bangalore (chasing my bread & butter). Hence, there's a part of me everywhere I've been, and I carry a part of everywhere I've been in me. Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, as my alma mater's motto proclaimed.

    I'm a Business Operations professional and the bread & butter are of tolerable quality, which is all that needs to be said on the subject.

    Dad - a petrolhead in his own right - loves to drive, so my adolescent years were spent road-tripping the length & breadth of the country in a variety of cars; scorching summer, rainy deluge or teeth-chattering winter, we'd all pile in and roam free at the slightest pretext. Our first car was a white Maruti 800, followed by a Premier 137D, Zen MPFi, Renault Logan, Hyundai Accent and a 1st-gen Ford Figo that Dad still drives...he wouldn't part with it for a million bucks.

    My favorite set of wheels remains my red & black BSA StreetCat bicycle that I rode the wheels off as a young boy. Nothing I've ridden or driven since has given me quite the same rush of freedom. A close second is my Hero Puch automatic moped that put the wind in my hair in my late teens and, in remembrance, shares its license plate digits with my current ride. Speaking of which, it's a white Tiago JTP, with red Mickey Mouse ears. My much smarter better half settled the 'What car?' debate by pointing at the JTP = "This one, get the one with the red ears"! We both love it to bits and call it Tinku, in tribute to a dear canine friend.

    I signed up on Team-BHP nearly a decade ago, and my absolute favourite bit about it continues to be our steadfast refusal to engage monetarily with the automotive industry, while providing world class reviews & content that somehow keeps upping the bar with each passing year. This is now my second home, and I intend to stay a long, long while.

    Sujai Joy
    CrAzY dRiVeR

    Sujai Joy

    Sujai Joy

    I'm a Keralite (Mallu, in case you're wondering) who spent the school & college years in the state itself, but later moved out (as is typical once again) to Chennai, and then Bangalore. Am part of the software industry like most young people of this city, and have worked with two of the largest MNCs; this has given me a good resume, but a bad paycheque! I sometimes repent the decision of jumping into software, as my life until 2008 was only about automobiles. I even did my engineering in this field, but then the curious cat in me wanted to see just how different was this new world that campus selection offered! Been a decade-long affair now, made sane only because this forum and the vehicles I own help keep me in touch with my passions.

    Garage? I've got a Fiat Punto, Kawasaki Versys 650 and Hero Maestro (for the better half). Been lucky to have over 300,000 km of driving & riding experience. Must thank the people in my life for feeding this passion - my parents and wife, all 3 of them enthusiasts in their own right. I also have to thank Team-BHP for all my present-day friends!

    The forum plays a very important role in my life as a stress buster & being the one-stop source for all automotive information. Team-BHP, as a platform, stands for us consumers and amplifies our voice so it's heard by the right people. Over the years, the forum and Support Team have proven their unbiased stance in multiple situations & threads. Proud of Team-BHP!

    Ganesh Balan

    Ganesh Balan

    Ganesh Balan

    Hello guys,

    I was born in Coimbatore and brought up in various parts of Kerala - Trivandrum, Palakkad, Thrissur and Ernakulam. Folks were working for SBI; as a result, we were wandering like nomads during my childhood (both have now retired & are merrily enjoying the new stint together). It sure was fun though - different people, different culture, new neighbours, classmates and teachers! Made a lot of good friends along the way, some of whom are still in touch.

    I graduated in mechanical engineering and began my career at L&T's ship-building division (Gujarat) as a design engineer. I knew I wasn't meant to be the IT guy - software/coding was never my forte. It's the core mechanical stuff that interests me. I like things that move, make noise, can be touched and felt. Favourite pastimes - cooking, music, travelling, home maintenance and tinkering with the car. Do check out the many DIY threads that I have created on the forum. My tool collection is ever expanding - the latest addition being a nice & heavy bench vise fixed to my erstwhile computer table! A proper workbench should follow shortly. 

    Current steed - the Polo 1.6L GT TDI. I love her to bits. She leaves me with a smile every time I floor the throttle. Hot hatches appeal to me - if the Golf 2.0 TDI and 6-speed manual ever makes it to India, I'll gladly hand over a cheque to VW. The co-driver's seat is reserved for Soumya, while the child seat isn't there yet! 

    It has been a great honour to join the Support Team. I trust you will extend your co-operation in maintaining the quality of this forum. Today, Team-BHP is what it is because of the members, the content and our unbiased approach to the Indian automotive scene. Thank you for reading and drive safe!

    Rush Parekh

    Rush Parekh

    Rush Parekh

    I am a Bombay-based Jeeper and by qualification, an MBA in Marketing from Bentley University, Boston. A rusty ol' Mahindra CJ 4x4 (on its 3rd engine yet) is the personal favourite from my garage. We Parekhs are big on road-trips, with the family frequently heading out on driving holidays. A BMW 530d M-Sport, Skoda Superb L&K, Mahindra Thar Turbo-Petrol & Nissan Sunny serve as work + play rides.

    I'm a huge fan of off-roading and track racing; India offers immense opportunity for 4-wheeling, while the Buddh F1 Circuit is the stuff of dreams for a track lover. Honestly, I couldn't care less about 1/4 mile competitions, and am more into sharp handling, precise steering input, redlining a sweet engine, late braking and racing lines. 

    Cars that I absolutely lust for are the Ferrari 288 GTO, Porsche 911 Turbo, Mercedes S-Class series (in particular, the W111, W126 & the brash W140), some yesteryear manual-transmission sedans (BMW M3, M5 & Lancer EVO), Mini Cooper S and pure American muscle (Mustangs & Camaros, including the newer gens). Cars deeply touch my soul...I can have the time of my life putting even a humble Maruti 800 through her paces down a curvy ghat section. How a car makes me feel is more important than its on-paper statistics.  

    When it comes to everyday rides, reliability is of paramount importance to me. I'm known to be extremely critical of cars that fail to work reliably, day after day. In that, I have a soft corner for the stupendously dependable Japanese & Korean cars. I appreciate European automobiles for their build & driving dynamics, but am rather vocal about the frequent issues they suffer from. I greatly respect Tata & Mahindra for the strides they have made in engineering strength & product capability, yet will be the first to agree they have a long way to go before reaching global benchmarks. 

    To Indian petrol-heads, Team-BHP is an integral part of daily life. This community is more than just a forum for car enthusiasts; indeed, it is our virtual home. I'm especially proud of the camaraderie among BHPians, and the brutally unbiased information that makes our knowledge base. Feel free to contact the Support Team with any suggestions or concerns. We are right by your side on Team-BHP.

    Keep Revvin'


    Karthik Kashyap

    Karthik Kashyap

    Karthik Kashyap

    I am Karthik, an automobile enthusiast born and brought up in Bangalore. Although Bangalore is where home is, I am seldom found there as I'm usually travelling somewhere or the other over weekends. I'm a software developer by day and an entrepreneur by night; well into my mid-thirties now, but still the same automotive buff that I was as a toddler. I am also a data buff and love to collect all sorts of statistics on my travels, vehicles, restaurants, health and in general, anything and everything...only to later play around with that data. Of course, most of it is just useless timepass that I get trolled for :).

    As an enthusiast, I prefer riding and driving engaging vehicles with sorted dynamics and powertrains, in lieu of modern gizmos or people movers. Practicality can take a backseat and fun is always given preference! When it comes to my own choices for fun, I tend to lean towards sportbikes in the two-wheeler world, and fast sedans or peppy hatchbacks in the car world.

    That said, over the years, I have grown to appreciate the diversity of enjoying different genres of automobiles to become a jack-of-all-trades. Hence, I don't like to identify myself as a staunch biker or a staunch car guy as such. I love exploring and learning any new skills in the vast automotive world with an open mind and a hunger for fun - be it 4x4 SUV action, hitting fast twisties in a sedan, pottering up the Himalayas on an adventure bike, spirited fast rides on a superbike, or even leisurely riding a bicycle through the countryside. I believe there is fun to be had in every activity on wheels! I have always loved travelling to different places, and experiential travel takes up most of my free time, with some or the other vehicle in the garage. Clubbed with my love for anything on wheels, these two hobbies have formed a dangerously expensive and addictive hobby which has been consistently emptying out my wallet for the last 2 decades.

    I have been on Team-BHP.com since 2009, and was a silent reader from 2006-09 before I decided to engage as a contributor here. I have immense respect for all the information exchanged, the depth of knowledge on probably every topic on earth, the ability to interact with & learn from like-minded enthusiasts (not just via the forum, but also in meets and trips) and above all, for being the fantastic platform that this forum has become to enthusiasts around the globe. I am excited to join the Mod Team and contribute to the strengthening of this forum as it continues to redline the Indian automotive scene! Thanks once again for giving me an opportunity to be a part of Team-BHP.

    Manmeet Soni

    Manmeet Soni

    Manmeet Soni

    So, here I am and it feels good...really good to be part of the Moderator Group on Team-BHP. 

    Who am I?

    Before you misconceive me to be a slice of the extra special like the other Mods, let me admit that I'm just one of the regular old timer members. In a Team-BHP first, this is also a previously banned member to be promoted to Moderator status!! You'll remember my posts only if you frequent the Motorcycles section, especially anything Superbike related. Large bikes make me go weak in the knees :)

    I graduated in Commerce back in 2004 and followed it up with a post-graduate program in Actuarial Science. At one point, I thought I was going to be a mad mathematics & statistics geek. Jump to late 2005, I started to shoulder responsibilities in the family business of heavy engineering & infrastructure machinery. I was asked to stay back for a couple of months and give it a shot. Well, I still haven't moved! Most of our four wheeled acquisitions are decided by the head and I'm glad that we've managed just fine through the years. I'm a fan of no nonsense fuel-efficient cars that are high on practicality, rather than snob value. My daily drive is a Mahindra Scorpio SLE. A Toyota Innova, Ford Ikon & Skoda Laura 2.0 AT are the other cars at home.

    For the two-wheeled stuff, I hand out full authority to my heart and the result is a tricked out Honda CBR 954RR, running some of the absolutely best upgrades available. In third gear, she redlines at 244 kph...and there are yet more ratios to use. 

    Team-BHP is a very special part of my life (automotive and otherwise). A lot has changed since late '04 when I first joined the forum. We've grown from a handful of members to thousands today! The knowledge base has also grown exponentially, while the discussion topics are equally widespread. I'm looking forward to putting my Moderator hat to effective use, and controlling all of that spam you shouldn't be posting in the first place. With a machine that hits the ton in less than 3 secs, be sure this Mod is going to catch up with you in no time :)

    Navin Advani

    Navin Advani

    Navin Advani

    I am part of the 'Old Man Brigade' at Team-BHP. Since I was born in my aunt's dispensary, my folks had no choice but to accept me as theirs (I was the only baby there). Later in life, the same aunt requested my father to send me to NYC (where she had migrated to). Dad was only too happy to see his terror go. So off I went to school, college and IBM in the States. Fast forward to '95, I moved to India for good. Married in '99 and have my own little terrorist (Aditya) now.

    I love cars and have helped restore a lovely Spitfire. But I love I.C.E. (In Car Entertainment) even more. In the winter of 1969-70, I attended my first rock concert. The Who with Keith Moon were visiting and they even left their HiWatt & Marshall Amps behind. About the same time, Dad got me my own spool deck (7" reel, 3.75 and 7.5 ips) along with a Philips valve radio...enough for the audio bug to bite. In high school, I built my own amp & speakers. I also tuned Dad's Premier Padmini using stobes and other fun stuff. 

    The house parking spot has seen a Honda City AT (Wife), Daewoo Matiz (Mom), Skoda Octavia 1.8 vRS (spectacularly maintained) and Toyota Camry (backseat comfort). 

    You'll usually find me over in our I.C.E. forum. I'm referred to as an old man not only due to my chronological age, but also because my friends include septuagenarian audio gurus. 

    Rahul Nagaraj

    Rahul Nagaraj

    Rahul Nagaraj

    Hello everyone!

    I was born and brought up in the city of Bangalore. As with any automotive enthusiast, my love for cars began at a very young age, starting with a collection of multiple hot wheels scale models. To further pursue my interest in cars and bikes, I found myself choosing an under-grad degree in mechanical engineering. Over the 4-year course, I met many like-minded people with whom I shared my love of cars, bikes and travel, which gave way to some of the most memorable road-trips till date.

    Post my engineering, I went to the United Kingdom to get my Masters in Automotive Journalism. The highlights being a visit to the Geneva Motor Show and a drive in a Porsche 944 Turbo on the country roads of the UK.

    A Kia Seltos currently occupies our garage space, used both as a daily and a highway mile muncher. Parked next to it is my TVS Apache RR310 motorcycle, which itself has seen quite a few clicks on the odometer.

    Over the past few years as a motoring journalist, I have gotten the chance to drive a varied list of cars & bikes. I have also been a part of multiple ride and drive events across the country, gaining some amazing experiences and memories along the way. I am very happy to be a part of Team-BHP, which is an amazing place to share knowledge, learn and interact with like-minded people.

    Rudra Sen
    Rudra Sen

    Rudra Sen

    Rudra Sen

    As the eldest from the team, I am popularly known as the "Old Man" on Team-BHP. I am essentially an arts person with a career in the world of advertising. I was born in Calcutta, but eventually left that city for Bangalore. I love cars, photography & digital art and blend all three into my profession. You'll also find me trying (desperately) to make time for my sketching and water colours. Meeting people is top on my list; I see this as a good way of viewing life. Music preferences include jazz, soundtracks and anything else under the sun, except for rap, disco & remix. 

    In Bangalore, I am known as the "Amby guy", primarily because of my immaculately restored 60+ year old HM Ambassador. The Amby has had engine transplants n number of times. In today's context, it's almost like the 'Last man standing'. Another family member is the black Optra 1.8. They both bring special feelings in their own ways. 

    As a proud Moderator of the most interesting car community, it's a pleasure to see Team-BHP growing every day. Cheers!

    Sanjay Phodkar

    Sanjay Phodkar

    Sanjay Phodkar

    I'm Sanjay - born & brought up in Mumbai (absolutely love this city!). Did my schooling in RM Bhatt High School, 11 & 12th from Ruia College and Electrical Engineering at VJTI. Since, I've spent 2+ decades in the IT industry. 

    Love books (I buy a lot & read a few of them) and cars (obviously). My current lineup has a Mahindra XUV500 & Maruti Alto. Every year, I look forward to an 8-10 day road trip to a new state, and a few quick getaways in the monsoons. Travelling, driving and photography - my 3 passions go hand-in-hand really well. I also enjoy cycling, swimming & trekking. Every once in a while, I do crazy things like '100 km treks in 36 hours' and '100 km cycle rides in ~5 hours'. 

    The journey with Team-BHP started in 2010. It's been a great experience reading genuinely high quality, original content (be it new car reviews, ownership threads or travelogues). Felt like I belong here and thus, started contributing to the best of my knowledge. I have benefited immensely from Team-BHP because of the no-nonsense nature of the forum. No junk, no spam, no sponsored messages, no biases (to the maximum extent humanly possible). It's pure information & experience shared in plain English. I love the discipline in terms of disallowing ANYTHING that compromises the quality of the forum. In the role of a Moderator, I hope to pay back at least part of what I got from this community. 

    See you around the forum and hope to catch you in person at a Team-BHP meet-and-drive!

    Ashwin Iddya

    Ashwin Iddya

    Ashwin Iddya

    Hello folks! I spent most of my childhood with a car/truck toy in hand and making V8 sounds. We always had a car at home - an Ambassador with a column shifter, that my dad bought for Rs. 20,000 and sold for Rs. 40,000 twenty years later. Over time, we got an 800, Zen and Santro Xing in the family. When I turned 16 (ahem, no wait...18!), I simply took the Maruti 800's keys without asking and drove away, with my elder brother in the passenger seat. Have owned a variety of cars over the years including an Optra 1.8 LT (my first car), Civic (bought pre-owned), A-Star AT (second car, bought pre-owned) and BR-V CVT.

    I love driving & travelling, and that's what made me sign up for Team-BHP. To pen down my travel exploits! I then slowly moved on to other sub-forums and am addicted now. I'm not a traditional car enthusiast though. Would rather read about a Bajaj Qute / Tata Nano / Renault Lodgy than a Huracan Performante / Koenigsegg XXX. Cars that are accessible to everybody and solve problems interest me.

    Professionally, I joined a VC-funded startup after college as an internet marketing executive. But we mostly played Quake III Arena and didn't get much work done. Naturally, we ran out of money in less than 2 years. I then set up my own internet marketing company with a couple of friends and this time, we did far better. It took us 10 years to run out of cash! However, even when I was in college, I was drawn to the stock market and how various businesses are run. Since 2011, I have been a full-time stock market investor & derivatives trader. I spend most of my time reading on various topics. Might start reading about the Porsche 911 and somehow end up on something about World War II. Darn Wikipedia. Amazingly, Team-BHP is my primary source of news about the Indian economy. You can get a pulse of what is happening just by spending some time in the 'Indian Car Scene' forum. For me, spending time on Team-BHP is work!

    Tanveer Singh

    Tanveer Singh

    Tanveer Singh

    Hi everyone! This is Tanveer Singh who the Team-BHP folk know as just TSK. 

    I work in the VLSI industry, but I'd surely be a better fit in a travel show. Yep, you could call me the "Travelling Moderator". My better half & I love to travel and share our experiences. You'll find several travelogues from us on Team-BHP, with the destinations including some pretty exotic locales from India & abroad. 

    It was in '05 that my love for cars brought me here. Little did I know at the time of enrolling that Team-BHP is going to turn into a lifelong addiction. With time, I found myself becoming increasingly active on the forum...discussing, debating & interacting with other BHPians. This community simply became a second home. They say all techies check their email the first thing they arrive at work. Well, my first click goes to Team-BHP. I have made great friends with people I've never met, and probably won't for a long time either. This is what Team-BHP does to you.

    I used to be a sports car fan until the travel bug bit. Now, having a "go anywhere" 4x4 SUV is mandatory. My other area of interest is photography. You'll find some breathtaking pics in my reviews & holiday reports. 

    Thanks for reading my profile. This is how I roam.

    Tushar Kelshikar

    Tushar Kelshikar

    Tushar Kelshikar

    Greetings! I was born and brought up in Pune. Automobiles have always been a part of my life - I grew up around toy cars & auto magazines. When I got my first bicycle, I actually used to ride down to the nearest highway to watch cars & trucks drive by! In the back of my head, I knew that I wanted to pursue a career in cars, and thus got into automotive writing while still pursuing a post-grad degree in Computer Management.

    I drive a 2012 Tata Nano and am quite proud of the li'l marvel. It's my first car & the only one in the family. I've had a fair share of long drives in the Nano, the most notable being Delhi-Pune on three occasions, Delhi-Shimla, Pune-Goa and numerous Pune-Mumbai trips. I'm happy to report that the car has never let me down. My first two-wheeler was a Bajaj Sunny which was later replaced by a Honda Dio.

    Through my career as a motoring writer, I've had the opportunity to drive some rather interesting rides. Pushing the Audi R8 V10 at BIC was a truly memorable experience, and so was a stint in a VW Polo R Cup race car. List of favorites? The Honda S2000, BMW E46 M3, BMW E60 M5 & Ferrari 360 CS.

    It's an honour to be part of such a distinguished community of petrolheads. I look forward to contributing towards the growth of this very unique platform.

    Biju Vengalil

    Biju Vengalil

    Biju Vengalil

    I was born & brought up in Kerala where I lived for the initial 20 years of my life. Then moved to Singapore and have been based out of this small city-state for almost 2 decades. Team-BHP happened by accident & I've been hooked to this space ever since! Not a surprise because I have a huge affinity for anything that is well-maintained and done with honesty + integrity. The amount of knowledge-sharing we have here is remarkable, whether it is on the Indian car scene, or even stuff like streaming television and weight loss!

    I used to ride a motorcycle back home, but nowadays, the interest is mostly in cars. More than 0-100 figures, I like cars and brands that maintain an identity, while still focusing on driver engagement. I am also a keen observer of how passenger car markets are evolving globally, and how those innovations filter down into the Indian car scene (especially on the safety & EV fronts).

    Really happy to be part of the Moderator team. Am looking forward to maintaining the famed Team-BHP quality, and engaging in healthy discussions with esteemed BHPians worldwide.

    Debraj Goswami

    Debraj Goswami

    Debraj Goswami

    I was born in Kolkata, but have lived in a multitude of places across the country. My father had a highly transferable job in the Ministry of Defence. I'm one of those eternal KV'ites who did his schooling from different KVs, and still believes they are one of the better schooling options in India. I was part of the typical middle class milieu of the last millennium, growing up in a socialist India. Dad used to ride a Lambretta that I had my eyes set on. One fine summer afternoon, I took off on this scooter and my love affair with wheels began. 

    I've had extensive experience with Tata cars. It started with a Sierra...a different car compared to the quintessential Maruti 800s of the time. Over the years, I went through an Indica, Indigo and Manza. My current ride is still a Tata, besides a Mahindra XUV500. I am a driving freak who needs no excuse to head out of the city. My friends find it baffling that I categorize a 500 kms drive as a "short" one. Well, one of my recent trips to Himachal resulted in 6,000 kms of driving! There is some romance in chasing the setting sun on a deserted highway, with barren lands all around and an express train running with you to keep company. 

    I am an MBA by qualification. At work, I manage teams in charge of development, testing, production support and services in the infrastructure world (mostly middleware). At home, I love to cook and read. 

    One constant companion in all my walks of life is Team-BHP.com. Even in the busiest of schedules, I still find time to take a quick pip into Team-BHP. That's the dose of caffeine we all need now, don't we?

Live To Drive