
Uber launches selfie-based ID check for drivers in India

Uber has launched a selfie-based identity check feature for its driver partners in India. This new feature prompts the driver to share a selfie, before logging in into the Uber platform. Uber claims that the new feature has been introduced to ensure that the driver using the app is the same individual on whose name the account is registered.

The Uber driver app has been updated with the new feature, which now periodically asks the drivers to click and submit selfies, before they accept a new ride. The submitted image is then compared to the photo of the driver in Uber's records, using Microsoft's Cognitive Services. If the images match, the driver can carry on with his drive. If not, Uber will temporarily block the account and seek further explanation from the registered driver.

The taxi-aggregator service provider has claimed that this new feature will not only enhance safety of Uber customers, but will also ensure that the drivers' accounts aren't being compromised. At present, this new feature has been rolled out in five cities - New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad and Kolkata. More cities will be added to the list in the near future.

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