
Toll plaza's boom barrier hits my car's roof & rear spoiler

Gate attendants told that there were umpteen cars that passed through the toll gate without any problems, so they couldn't be liable for this one incident.

BHPian Torque250 recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

As I crossed the toll plaza today (01/06/2021), the boom barrier which rose after sensing the FASTag, falls on the roof of the car before I cross the gate. The midportion of the limb was padded, so there was no damage from the impact of the fall. However, it scratched the rear spoiler.

Gate attendants told that there were umpteen cars that passed through the toll gate without any problems, so they couldn't be liable for this one incident. The assistant manager was called for, and he told that he could not compensate for the accident, since it was due to electronic equipment. I was told that the glitch had something to do with sensors, and it was under contract with a different company. Furthermore, he added that he would do me a favour by forwarding the incident to that particular organization for their consideration. The damage was not severe enough to cause a ruckus, so I left without causing a scene.

As for the damage, it was merely a scratch and I can live with it. Due to the lockdown, the showroom was closed, so I couldn't obtain an estimate. I expect painting to cost nearly 2000 rupees.

My question is, was I duped by them? How would it be if the gate had broken the windshield? Were we forcibly made to endure everything?

Thread’s purpose is to discuss about the procedure to follow if a toll gate accident happens? In the event of major damage, how should we proceed officially to claim compensation?

Here's what BHPian audioholic had to say on the matter:

While I have no idea about the process and excuse me for diverting the topic, but it looks to me that the spoiler didnt lose too much of paint and it is the paint of the barrier that has got transferred onto the spoiler. Only in the edge portion I can see that the paint has come out and the black plastic underneath is seen. So you might be wrapping up the job with a round of machine polishing and need not have to repaint the spoiler completely.

Here's what BHPian NetfreakBombay had to say on the matter:

Two options:

  • File insurance claim yourself and let insurance company chase the toll operator should they choose to do so
  • Send a notice to file a claim against liability insurance of toll operator

For major claims, Option #1 would be preferred since insurance company will bear the legal costs.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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