
My teenage son faced the consequences of speeding; hasn't done it since

If I hadn't let my son go to court and face the judge, he would have never understood the seriousness of the whole thing.

The Pune accident wherein an underage teenager driving a Porsche Taycan under the influence of alcohol, rammed into a two-wheeler killing 2 young people has garnered a lot of attention in the last month. Looking at these discussions and how the whole case has played out, BHPian Turbanator has shared his views on the role parents play in teaching their children accountability. Here's what he had to say:

As a parent of a teenager (adult now), my Son got caught doing 150 + on a highway with a maximum of 100. Since he was sober, the guy who wrote the ticket did not take his car but ensured my Son had to appear in the court. Our Son wanted me to hire someone to handle the case, which is normal as those guys are professionals and can somehow manage ( I still don't know how), but I refused and made him go to the court and face the Judge and everything.

He got fined about 1000 CAD, which he tried to reduce by reasoning (student/ pocket money), but the judge was not interested and gave the option to extend community services instead of a fine. Additionally, his DL was suspended for 3 Months. He had to undergo additional classes on traffic safety. A part of his services was regulating traffic outside school and a religious place/ community centre of his choice. This happened about eight years back (one can get a DL in Canada at 16), and since then, he has not gotten a speed ticket. I am 100% sure that if I had paid to that agent, he would have never understood this whole thing.

Regarding the Pune Porsche Taycan accident, the parents should have let their son remain in jail for a while. So, no sympathy for such parents. Technically, they should also be tried for attempting to influence the proceedings, and concerned police officials should be suspended, at least those who tried to help the accused. But we all know this will get silenced after a few days.

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