
Test rode the Gixxer SF 250, dealer asking me to buy the same unit

I was told that the motorcycle wasn't a test ride vehicle but a fresh piece that was brought for someone else.

BHPian SkylineGTR recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

I went to a Suzuki showroom to take a test ride of the Gixxer SF 250, a motorcycle that has been on my list of prospective bikes for a long time. The bike was fine and all, however, it was not a test ride vehicle. It was a fresh unit parked in the showroom. The SA told me it was meant for delivery to another person. I asked, when? He said, next week.

I asked for a test ride. He said he would give me one but I ought to be careful since the bike did not have insurance. The sales manager was polite and courteous: I took two rides, one short and then a slightly longer one which he allowed after I asked for a longer TD.

What's pestering me is that he is kind of asking me to buy the same bike that I test rode. He insists that it's a brand new piece and I am the first person to TD it. I obviously don't believe him. The speedo wire is disconnected too so there's no way to know how many kilometres the bike has run.

I asked him about the other person for whom the bike is meant, but he says that person has not deposited money as of now so there are no issues if they give his bike to me.

I then asked him how he had ordered a bike from Suzuki if the supposed customer had not even made a booking yet? He said, sir, that's how we operate, and we needed a piece to display in the showroom anyway. Really? You just order a bike from the factory because some guy called you and told you he'd buy one in a few days?

I again insisted on getting a fresh, factory-delivered piece but he said there are no issues with this one and again insisted I buy that one only. Is this behaviour normal?

Here are my concerns

  • What if this bike is a test ride vehicle and has already run multiple hundred kms? Test ride bikes aren't treated kindly, people would definitely have revved it hard and ruined the engine.
  • What kind of showroom just orders a bike from the factory without taking a booking amount?
  • Why can't he just say, ok sir no problem, you pay the booking amount and we'll get you a fresh piece?

Although the sales manager was very polite and sat with me after his closing hours to explain to me the pricing and all, I have already lost trust in this showroom. Now even if he agrees to get a new unit I will have a doubt that it's the same old TD bike, washed and cleaned. What should I do?

Here's what BHPian Engine_Roars had to say about the matter:

Well, you were more than happy to test ride a bike that was supposed to be delivered to someone else, I mean, if you were this worried about getting a new bike, you should not have ridden someone else's bike.

On another note, if you don't want to take this bike, simply reject, they can't force you.

Here's what BHPian KPR had to say about the matter:

My BIL and I test rode a Gixxer SF150 in 2018 that was standing in a showroom. Speedo cable was removed and it was a new bike. We loved it. Asked if there is any other blue colour available. Dealer said that the bike we rode was a new one and no stock is available in the yard. We checked the VIN and it was just 1 month old. So we didn't think twice and purchased it although we knew someone could've test rode the same bike. In my opinion, we are the best judge. We saw no scratches and no complaints about the bike.

There's nothing wrong with purchasing the bike if you're convinced.

Here's what BHPian neil.jericho had to say about the matter:

There is an old saying, what is good for the goose is good for the gander!

You can't really have it both ways, buddy. You were fine with riding the bike to be delivered to another person, even when it was without insurance (What if you had an accident on the way, even if it was no fault of your own?). However, you aren't fine with taking delivery of that very same bike. That doesn't seem very logical.

This is not to absolve the dealership of any responsibility. If they are willing to give another customer's delivery bike to you for a test ride, how do you know that they won'  order another bike for you, give that for test rides and then hand it over to you at the time of delivery? Life finds a way of coming full circle.

If you like the SF 250 and you enjoyed this particular unit, don't overthink it. Put it down to a lesson learnt and buy the bike. Within a few days, you will forget all about the dealer's antics.

If you like the SF 250 but are hell-bent on not getting the bike which you have test ridden, then order it in another colour.

If you aren't comfortable with how the situation played out / is playing out, given that there is no other Suzuki dealer in town, then you are probably better off going in for another brand with an equivalent product and much more honest dealers.

Look for the area sales manager's number in the showroom and talk to him if you have any concerns.

Here's what BHPian v12 had to say about the matter:

It's simple, just make a note of the VIN of the bike you test rode and ensure you check the VIN of the new bike. The dealer cannot force you to buy the bike that he wants to sell you. If you have not already made a note of the VIN and are scared that he may try and sell you the same bike, try booking the bike after a month when the fresh stock comes in - that way you would be assured that you are getting a fresh piece.

If nothing, just change your dealer.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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