
Sale of Hyundai cars through CSD restarted

Earlier this month, it was learnt that the Government of India halted sales of Hyundai vehicles through the canteen stores department (CSD). The matter came to light after a letter issued by the Ministry of Defence, stated that Hyundai failed to respond to the issue of the Creta not being offered with any discount whatsoever. The matter has now been resolved and a letter addressed to all CSD depots states that "All depots can resume the sale of all Hyundai cars forthwith."

Hyundai has also reportedly brought the waiting period of the Creta down to 2 months from the earlier 6-7 months, for all defence personnel. The canteen stores department is an exclusive store for servicemen in India's armed forces where a multitude of goods are sold at discounted prices. 

The letter that stopped the sale of Hyundai cars through the CSD pertained to the Creta alone, but it was accompanied by a directive to stop the sale of Hyundai cars through the CSD altogether, causing Hyundai to take corrective action instantly.

Source: ET Auto

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