
Review: Grab handles with built-in dampers retrofitted in my VW Polo

These grab handles that I purchased could easily be a decade old, yet they felt just like new, with no creaks, no cracks and built to last.

BHPian fluidicjoy recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

I am writing about another small mod which was performed quite a while back on this car. It is a very old retrofit and has been thoroughly and comprehensively documented by Gannu in form of photos and videos and I'll leave a link to the thread here.

Here are what the grab handles with built-in dampers look like. Notice the white part, which is the damper bead.

To retrofit them in the existing handle, here is what a damper kit looks like. I picked a few of these from Aliexpress, a long time back.

It is my opinion that I don't have the patience and I might lack the finesse required to modify a small object like the grab handles, so I did myself a favour and bought used handles with dampers built inside. What was intriguing was how good the quality of some plastic parts can be, and these grab handles that I purchased could easily be a decade old, yet they felt just like new, with no creaks, no cracks and felt built to last. Even the Indian grab handles display this excellent quality.

Nevertheless, to show you the nuisance associated with the old one, I've compiled a small video where you can hear the slapping sound that the old one made with the roof liner.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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