
Narain Karthikeyan developing Tata cars

India's first Formula 1 racer, Narain Karthikeyan has been helping in the development of a new breed of cars from Tata Motors Limited.

Narain's job involves benchmarking TML's cars against the competition and help the company improve them by providing feedback after driving them on the company's test tracks. His involvement is from the conceptual stage to testing prototypes.

Narain provides feedback on issues like electric power steering calibration, which covers everything from vagueness of the steering at high speeds to efforts required to steer the car at low-speeds, parking and reversing. TML claims that Narain has been driving hatchbacks in various countries, which enables him to point out areas of improvement like the balance between ride and handling and high speed stability.
Apart from steering and handling, the racer also provides feedback on the tyres, which helps the company decide on the size after considering factors like performance and fuel efficiency. TML even takes feedback on ergonomics and driving position from him.

Narain started working with the Tata Motors R&D team four years ago after an invitation from Ratan Tata. He is said to have played a significant part in the development of the upcoming Bolt hatchback and Zest compact sedan.

Source: Economic Times

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