
Govt. to review proposed vehicle registration fee hike

According to a media report, the Government of India will be reviewing the proposed vehicle registration fee hike. The hike is said to have been put on hold following concerns raised by the automobile industry.

Last month, the government had proposed a hike in vehicle registration fee by more than 20 times of what is being charged today. The draft proposal stated that the registration charges for new internal combustion engine powered cars be increased from Rs. 600 to Rs. 5,000 and renewal fees be set at Rs. 15,000. With an aim to encourage electric vehicle (EV) sales, the draft notification had also proposed exempting EVs from registration charges.

The report states that the transport ministry is now expected to take a decision on August 26, 2019. However, the charges are not expected to be finalized for at least another month.

Source: Economic Times

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