
Google to join hands with Ford to build autonomous cars

In what seems to be a tale of two Goliaths, Ford and Google may join hands to develop and build autonomous / self-driving cars. Google is reportedly in talks with Ford Motor Company to coordinate a deal, which could entail Ford building autonomous cars for the tech giant.

If finalized, the deal could be announced at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), which is scheduled to be held in January 2016 at Las Vegas, Nevada. Earlier this year, Google began discussions with several major automakers to speed up efforts to bring self-driving cars to the market by 2020. Google has already started testing its self-designed small car prototypes in Mountain View and Austin.

Google has always stated that it isn't interested in the business of building cars. This partnership would give Google the liberty of focusing on its strength of developing the technological base, with Ford handling the manufacturing end and assisting with car design, while benefiting from Google's R&D. An official confirmation from both or either company is awaited.

Source: Huffingtonpost

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