
Covid-19 precautions at service centres

While we have gotten used to most commercial establishments taking some precautions, I was appalled to find that the service center took close to none!

udainxs recently shared this with other BHPians.

I recently got my car serviced, for the first time after the pandemic broke out, and thought of sharing my experience regarding the sanitization and precautions taken.

While we have gotten used to most commercial establishments taking some precautions, I was appalled to find that the service center took close to none!

Some of my observations were:

  • Only one sanitizer at the gate. None in the working area
  • No Masks or gloves were worn (usually keeping the neck warm)
  • No less than 5 people drove my car (between bays and road test)
  • 4 people sat in the car while cleaning, again without any sanitary precautions between cars
  • No sanitization was done prior to handing the car over to me

While I understand some practices are impractical, the complete absence wasn't something I had expected.

Just wanted to check with other members on the forum if their experience has been similar, or are some doing a better job than others? I would expect the OEM to provide some guidance to workshops in this matter!

Funny thing was that they put a flimsy fabric seat cover on the seat, steering and gear knob at the time of delivery  Those may have been better used when the car entered the workshop. Yes, those were charged!

Here's what BHPian Storm 2.0 had to say on the matter:

I can vouch for one thing and that is Rs 250/- sanitization charges are put in the bill promptly irrespective of whether the sanitization is done or not.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information. Image used for representation only.

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