
Ather Energy installing fast charging network in Chennai

Ather Energy is setting up its fast charging network called Ather Grid in Chennai. The company plans to install 50-55 Ather Grid points across the city by the end of this year.

Ather Grid can be used by all electric 2-wheelers and 4-wheelers. The charging facility will be offered for free till the end of this year.

Ather Energy has partnered with cafes, restaurants, tech parks, malls and gyms to install charging points. The company has already installed seven fast charging points in Chennai. These are located at Forum Vijaya mall, AtWorks and Bikes and Burgers among other restaurants.

Electric vehicle owners will be able to locate and check availability of the nearest charging stations in real-time using the Ather Grid app.

Chennai is the second city after Bangalore to get the Ather Grid fast charging network. The company plans to set up 6,500 charging points across the country by 2022.

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