
Accident repairs on my Skoda Kushaq: Stick to the ASC or try an FNG?

The authorized Skoda service center is 30 km away, and with traffic, the journey would take 1.5-2 hours, which I'd prefer to avoid.

BHPian Aurelius recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Skoda Monte Carlo: Local Repair vs. Authorized Service Center

Dear Team-BHPians,

Since July 2023, I've been enjoying my 1.0 Monte Carlo AT, taking it on several long family trips (over 1000 km) and appreciating its driving fun.

Recently, during parking, my car sustained a scratch, and the fog lamp and headlight were pushed inwards. Although the light functions normally, I've consulted a local detailing and garage service for repair and detailing. Their quote is 5k, which seems reasonable.

However, the authorized Skoda service center is 30 km away, and with traffic, the journey would take 1.5-2 hours, which I'd prefer to avoid.

My dilemma

Local repair


  • Faster turnaround (1-2 days)
  • Lower cost (5k)
  • Local service with good reputation


  • Potential warranty voidance (although the 6-year warranty includes 2 years of purchased extension)
  • Unfamiliarity with Skoda's specific repair methods and parts

Authorized service center:


  • Guaranteed warranty compliance
  • Use of genuine Skoda parts and repair procedures


  • Longer turnaround (5 days experienced by colleague)
  • Higher cost (10k for similar repairs on colleague's car)
  • Time-consuming travel (30 km + traffic)
  • Image of the damaged headlight attached.

Seeking advice:

  • Will getting the repairs done locally affect the warranty in any way?
  • Considering the pros and cons mentioned, what would your recommendation be?

Thank you for your valuable insights!

Here's what BHPian TheGearbox had to say on the matter:

I'm assuming you're not planning on claiming insurance for your repairs. In that case, and as long as its only body work, I would prefer to get the work done at a competent local garage. If your lights have gotten damaged and need to be replaced, better claim insurance and get the work done at the service center.

As long as its only body work, and the quality of work done is good, it would tough to tell the difference.

Read BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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