
An unplanned long-distance drive in my MG ZS EV: Here's how it went

All in all, I drove about 611 km between 6:10 pm to 9 am the next morning.

BHPian speedmiester recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Lightfury completed 7500 km today, this milestone comes just shy of 2.5 months of ownership.

This included an all-night drive to our relative’s estate near Chikmaglur on an unplanned visit and 3 drives to Mysore and back.

One of our relatives passed away last Saturday and my mother wanted to visit them on the same day. Since I had unavoidable work in Bangalore on Sunday, the only option was to pull an all-nighter drive from Mysore to Chikmagalur and back followed by another sprint to Bangalore.

I was familiar with the roads and their conditions. Also, the reliability and availability of fast chargers at Hassan made it easier. Left Mysore with 90% SOC at 6:10 PM and reached Hassan at 9 PM. Had dinner and charged up the car for 20 mins. Beyond Chikmaglur, it was all uphill and the last few km to our relative’s house is on steep inclines flanked by deep vegetation and a coffee estate. Lightfury had no issues climbing the steep inclines and the return drive added a couple of percentages to the SOC.

Did one more quick 20 mins charge at Hassan on the return leg and reached Mysore with 9% SOC at 4:15 AM. Freshened up and charged for 45 mins at Zeon station to take the SOC to 85%. Good enough for the drive to Nanjangud to pick up my FIL and back to Bangalore.

All in all, drove about 611 km between 6:10 PM to 9 AM. One of those rare occasions that I am thankful for my hyper-sensitivity to caffeine.

Also, my confidence in driving unplanned over long distances in the ZS EV has increased dramatically.

With fast chargers getting deployed across the country at a rapid pace, range anxiety on EVs will be a thing of the past in a couple of years.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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