
UK: Safety tech in cars results in 10% lesser accidents

According to data compiled by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT), UK, modern safety technologies including autonomous braking, parking assistance and blind spot indicators have resulted in 10% lower accidents over the last 5 years. It was also reported that 60% drivers in UK count on the technology for improving their quality of life including having a stress-free journey.

SMMT also reports that 7 out of 10 new cars in UK are available with driver assistance systems. SMMT calculated the economic benefit of over GBP 51 billion due to these technologies. Savings come in the form of cheaper insurance costs, shorter journey times, lesser fuel usage, opportunity costs saved due to lesser accidents and repairs.

In 2016, over 17,98,781 new cars or 66.8% of the total sales, came equipped with collision warning systems as standard or optional extra. The same number for 2015 stood at 15,30,065 (58.1%). Further, 53.1% of new cars came equipped with autonomous braking, 58.8% with parking assistance and 42.1% with blind spot alerts.

While the collision warning systems just warn the drivers of the upcoming dangerous situations, the autonomous emergency braking (AEB) system applies the brakes without the user inputs to keep occupants of the car safe. Adaptive cruise control is now available in 36.2% of cars in the UK, which basically keeps a safe distance from the vehicle in front with varying speeds as per the traffic conditions.

While vehicles equipped with these technologies are not autonomous or self-driving vehicles, in future, more cars are expected to be equipped with technologies like AEB, blind spot monitors and traffic jam assist to makes roads safer. In India, due to regulations over frequencies, not many cars come equipped with radar-based systems. The road transport ministry has approved a new regulation to make parking sensors and speed warning mandatory on new cars from 2019. The Volvo XC90 T8 was the first car in the country to offer Radar-based safety functions.

Source - SMMT

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