
Tata launches "Nano" merchandise store on eBay India

Earlier this week, Ratan Tata expressed his concerns about how without the right volumes, the Tata Nano could not achieve its potential. In a small step towards branding and perhaps to appeal to a younger demographic, Tata Motors today launched an online Nano merchandise store on the popular online shopping and auction store eBay India.

This is the first time a car brand will sell its merchandise through eBay. The company said that it had chosen to partner with eBay due to the website’s wide reach across the country. The Nano already has a strong online presence. It was one of the first cars in India to be booked online and its Facebook page has 1.6 million fans.

The online store offers Nano branded Titan watches, t-shirts for men and women, Nano-shaped pen drives and mouse, scale models, caps, key chains and so on.

Check out the Nano merchandise store here.

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