
Should I re-register my used superbike in my state or not

They are proposing to make an agreement on stamp paper detailing all the liabilities / responsibilities.

BHPian kryogesh recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Over the last many years I’ve been using 600cc bikes and now want to upgrade to litre class. My liking has always been over the ZX10R. When I almost decided to buy the honeycomb edition, I learnt that 2021 would bring in an updated ZX10R. I waited and I was thoroughly disappointed with its rather ugly face and not to forget the lame TFT screen. Other useful updates on the bike didn’t impress me enough to ignore it’s face!

Now, after lot of deliberation, I’m thinking of buying a used honeycomb edition. There are a few in the market with few 000’s on the odo, albeit a bit steeply priced. Many of these are registered in HR, WB, HP.

Dealers/ individuals are suggesting not to register in Karnataka (where I belong) to avoid re-registration charges. They are proposing to make an agreement on stamp paper detailing all the liabilities / responsibilities. All though no one is insisting on this, and are ready to provide NOC.

My questions

Option 1: retain the existing number (say WB registration)

1. Does retaining old registration make sense? What risks am I looking at?

2. Do I then need to get some address in WB for ownership transfer?

3. In this case, NOC isn’t needed I suppose. So if the previous owner has done some offence, will I be impacted?

4. Any hassles related to insurance renewal and claims?

5. Will I not find it difficult in case I decide to sell the bike in the future?

Option 2: re-registering in KA

1. When I transfer to KA, I assume I pay ~20% tax. Will I get back (part or full) tax from the state where the bike is currently registered? How difficult is the process?

2. On what value will the tax be calculated? Based on the ex-showroom price of the bike in 2020?

3. Will the “number of owners” be 1 or +1 over the previous value?

4. Will I be able to choose a fancy number?

These are the questions that I have. Please add any additional relevant info regarding the same. Appreciate your advice in this.

Here's what BHPian Shubhendra had to say on the matter:

Would not suggest not registering. In case of accident/theft, things will go haywire.

Option 1:

1. There are 2 ways:

  • papers remain on original owner's name:
  • Bike gets transferred to your name in WB address

2. Yes

3. NOC is needed in case of change in RTO within state. If its within same RTO, then also they check outstanding fines/cases etc. Remember data is online and accessible to them now.

4. No until something happens to the bike.

5. Yes, its going to be difficult to provide NOC to new buyer sitting remotely.

Option 2:

1. Yes, you get existing tax paid. Agent should be able to manage it.

2. Yes with depreciation of one year.

3. Yes, it will be 1+1.

4. Yes. you have 2 options. Either to retain WB number or to opt for a new number

I would suggest to get the NOC and get it registered to KA for peace of mind.

Here's what BHPian neil.jericho had to say on the matter:

Option 1

Shubhendra has answered these well. I will only reply to the last question. Years from now, being in Bangalore, you will find it much easier to sell a KA registered ZX10R than a WB registered ZX10R.

Option 2:

Questions 1 and 2 - You will have to pay the road tax for the years remaining on the RC. So if it is 5 year old bike and the fitness certificate is valid for 15 years, you will have to pay the road tax for 15 - 5 = 10 years on the invoice price of the bike. Once you get the payment formalities completed in your Karnataka RTO, you (or an agent) will have to approach the original RTO, submit these documents and claim a refund for the remaining 15 - 5 = 10 years of the road tax paid while purchasing the bike. Be prepared to wait and chase these agents.

Now coming to the crux of your post. There are so many KA registered ZX10R bikes. Since you seem to be part of the riding community and own a 600cc bike, just ask around in your riding circles and garages etc to find a KA registered 10R in decent condition. By the time you pay the road tax for Karnataka, any financial benefits of buying an out of state bike will be easily nullified. And you arent looking at a super exotic litre class bike. The ZX10R is a great bike that has sold so well.

Overall, there really is no compelling reason to consider an out of state ZX10R in Karnataka.

Here's what BHPian hserus had to say on the matter:

Agreement on stamp paper and all are entirely waste as in the Supreme Court has decided if your name is on the RC, you are liable for any hit and run or other accident that any future owner carries out if he hasn't bothered to transfer to his name.

Out of state superbikes are Bangalore cop magnets even if you pay local road tax. Change to a KA number when you register the bike.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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