
Record-setting whitest White paint being developed for cars

As per experiments conducted in noon sunlight, the painted surface was found to be 8 degrees Fahrenheit cooler than its surroundings.

According to reports, Professor Xiulin Ruan and his students from Purdue University have come up with new white paint, said to be capable of reflecting 98.1% of solar radiation. This is almost opposite to the more familiar 'Vantablack' colour, which absorbs 99.96% of light.

The new white paint is claimed to emit more infrared heat than it absorbs, giving the material it is painted on a cooling effect. Now, reports suggest that a version of this new paint is being developed for cars. The paint contains barium sulfate in varying sizes, which scatter the different wavelengths of solar radiation - this translates to a surface which is cooler than the surrounding temperature. As per experiments conducted in noon sunlight, the painted surface was found to be 8 degrees Fahrenheit cooler than its surroundings.

The colour has also entered the Guinness World Record as the "Whitest Paint". Reports also state that in 2022, Ruan's team developed a lighter version of the colour for vehicles. However, commercial applications are expected to be at least a year or more away.

Source: Motor1

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