
RE shooed me away, instead of fixing a minor issue on my new Hunter 350

The RE advisor sent me away by saying that I had to get used to the bike.

BHPian abk98 recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Hello All,

I bought a Hunter 350, Dapper Grey on the 2nd of February replacing my trusty Glamour for my daily commute to work.

Booked the vehicle at the end of January and was told about a waiting period of 20 days for the colour, however, received a call 3 days later that the vehicle was ready to be delivered!

Went to the showroom, completed all the formalities and ended up taking the delivery. Everything went fine, finished my first service at 500 Km and rode it until 1300 Km when suddenly the Clutch got so hard that during peak Bangalore traffic, my hands would hurt so bad that they would turn red and it took a lot of effort to engage the clutch.

On my way back home from work is where the RE Service centre is located. I directly went there and showed them the clutch and to my surprise, the Service Executive told me that this is how a RE bike works and that I'll need to get used to the Hard clutch, even after I showed him a smoother clutch in one of the Hunter parked at the Service Center.

Got mad, left the place and went to my trusty local garage where I would get my Glamour serviced, the mechanic held the clutch once and told me that it was abnormally hard for such a new bike and advised me to get the clutch cable replaced, to which I instantly agreed as my hands were shivering with pain from all the riding.

This was a 2-minute job as he had the clutch cable in stock and cost me Rs. 250/-. The best 250 rupees I have ever spent!

Why weren't the RE Service Center able to help me out with the repair, also shooing the customers away telling them that is how it is supposed to be?

If this continues, I don't think RE is putting itself in a good spot in such a competitive market!

So, I am still unable to diagnose why my old clutch cable got so hard at just 1300 Km. Currently, I have ridden about 150 Km on the replaced cable and have no issues.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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