
Now, Tata deletes the Tiago's rear wheel well cladding!

Earlier, the Tiago had wheel well cladding at the front & rear (reference image). Well, the paisa-wise rupee-foolish mentality strikes yet again!

Thanks to Mohamed Fardeen for sending this information in. Heartfelt gratitude for sharing it with other enthusiasts via this Team-BHP page!

Found something alarming when I went to a Tata stockyard to pick a colour for my booked Tiago XZ+. It seems that Tata Motors has simply removed the rear wheel well cladding in order to cut costs for the 2019 Tiagos. This is ridiculous as the same stockyard had a (presumably older) XZ variant with the cladding. It's a stupid move by Tata as it is instantly noticeable to a keen eye - looks UGLY. All of this is absolutely unacceptable from Tata. Even the dealerships weren't informed. What were they thinking by compromising on quality like this?

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