
No free lifetime supercharging for Tesla Model 3 owners: CEO

Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla Motors, has indicated that owners of its upcoming car - the Tesla Model 3, will not be given free lifetime access to the company's supercharging stations. Interestingly, this facility is currently free to all owners of present Tesla models. The announcement was made at Tesla's annual shareholders' meeting, which was held in California.

At the meeting, Elon Musk said, "Free supercharging fundamentally has a cost". So as a matter of fact, Tesla used to charge customers for the free lifetime supercharging in the car's price itself. But, the Model 3 is supposed to be the company's mass market, high volume product, which demands an economical price tag. As a result, the company decided to decouple the free supercharging package from the cost of the car. This would make purchasing the vehicle easier on the customer's pocket.

At present, Tesla has 632 superchargers across the globe, which are mainly located at highway malls between major cities. The company claims that these superchargers can charge Tesla cars in just 30 minutes to give a driving range of around 273 kilometres. This supercharging facility is currently free to all owners of the Model S and Model X.

Source: ET Auto

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