
New book documents Elon Musk's temper towards Tesla employees

Elon Musk is said to have denied many of the incidents mentioned.

Wall Street Journal's Tim Higgins has released a new book, called 'Power Play: Tesla, Elon Musk, and the Bet of the Century'. This new book is said to document the explosive temper and meltdowns of Elon Musk towards his Tesla staff.

According to reports, the book documents the other side of Elon Musk, the one that has a habit of going off on employees, be it, hourly workers or top executives. It also states how, Musk's outbursts became increasingly "unpredictable, indiscriminate & public".

The book also reportedly documents Elon Musk screaming at Peter Rawlinson, then chief engineer for the Model S. Elon Musk reportedly also asked Tesla co-founder Martin Eberhard to fire an entire engineering team. But then, Eberhard was himself shown the door later, when he failed to follow through and fire the team of engineers.

All these are just a few incidents that are said to have been documented in the book. However, Elon Musk is said to have denied many of the incidents mentioned.

Source: Business Insider

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