
JLR is now ranked No.3 in luxury car sales in India

According to a media report, Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) is now the 3rd largest luxury car maker in India as per 2019 sales figures. The Tata-owned brand sold 5,000 units and displaced Audi from the number 3 spot.

In 2019, Mercedes-Benz retained the top spot with 13,786 units, followed by BMW which sold 9,641 units. Audi managed to sell 4,594 cars while Volvo dispatched 2,253 units.

Amongst the five luxury carmakers, only JLR managed to report a growth in 2019. The carmaker registered 9% growth compared to 2018 numbers. Mercedes, BMW, Audi and Volvo reported drops of 11%, 13%, 29% and 15% respectively.


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