
It's official: India has just 22 cars / 1000 citizens

According to the Niti Aayog, India has just 22 cars per 1,000 citizens. In comparison, in the US, 980 out of one thousand people own a car, while the UK has 850 cars per 1,000 individuals.

An International Energy Agency (IEA) report suggests that passenger car ownership in India is expected to grow by 775% over the next two decades. This means, India will have 175 cars per 1,000 citizens by 2040.

While the passenger car market has shown strong growth in the past few years, India's car ownership index is still lagging behind countries like Canada, China, Australia, New Zealand and Japan. These countries have 662, 164, 740, 774 and 591 cars per thousand individuals respectively.

Source: Economic Times

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