
Hyundai: Handling charges dropped after battle with techie

Hyundai India has stopped levying handling charges from new car buyers across the country after a two-year long legal battle with a Hyderabad-based techie. Interestingly, the Supreme Court has already issued a directive that advises dealers to not charge anything over and above the required fee to register the vehicle (related link). Contrary to the apex court's order, new car dealers have often been seen adding handling charges to the bill of unsuspecting customers.

A similar case of levying additional charges was reported in Hyderabad when Mr. Ratan Grandhi, an IT professional, was forced to pay Rs. 6,950 as handling charges before taking delivery of his Hyundai Xcent on December 17, 2014. However, Mr. Grandhi decided to bring the dealer's illegal practice in notice of higher authorities of Hyundai India. He sent out a series of e-mails to the automaker, but didn't receive a satisfactory response.

Mr. Grandhi then registered a complaint with the Joint Traffic Commissioner (JTC). In an official enquiry, headed by Central Zone Road Transport Officer (RTO), the officials found the additional charges to be illegal and warned all dealerships to not indulge in such malpractices. They even suspended licenses of two showrooms for similar cases. Hyderabad's Joint Traffic Commissioner (JTC) has also advised potential customers to lodge a complaint in case they come across any dealership levying such handling charges.

Meanwhile, Hyundai has issued official circulars to all its dealerships across the country, scrapping handling charges on its new cars.

Source: Deccan Chronicle

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