
Germany: Minister wants to ban weekend driving to reach climate goals

The German economy is required to cut 22 million metric tonnes of carbon emissions per year.

Volker Wissing, Germany's transport minister, recently proposed a ban on driving vehicles on weekends in order to reduce the country's carbon footprint.

According to reports, the ban on the use of personal vehicles for two days a week is part of Germany's efforts to meet its climate goals. The weekend driving ban by Wissing is said to be related to a new climate legislation, the Climate Protection Act. He stated that the restriction on the use of personal cars on Saturday and Sunday will be implemented if there are no other alternate amendments.

Wissing stated, "Comprehensive and indefinite driving bans on Saturdays and Sundays are being considered."

As per the new climate legislation, the German economy is required to cut 22 million metric tonnes of carbon emissions per year. Wissing stated that such large quantities can only be saved ad hoc by not using cars and trucks.

Source: European Conservative

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