
Frustrated businessman donates Duster for garbage disposal

It isn't uncommon for a vehicle to be parked at an after sales service center for diagnosis or repairs for a long duration. However, Renault really tested the patience of this Kota, Rajasthan-based businessman, Rajesh Pareta.

It is said that he faced technical issues the very first day he bought the vehicle, and when Renault couldn't fix the electric and air-con issues even after keeping the car in the workshop for 200 days, Pareta finally took some drastic measures.

The owner decided to donate his problematic vehicle to the Morak Station Gram Panchayat on the condition that it would be used as a garbage collection bin. The owner, himself pasted the stickers (which translate to: garbage bin) on the vehicle before donating it to the Gram Panchayat.

Renault is currently in the process of expanding its network and such incidents are bound to create a huge dent on the reputation of the brand. The story does bear quite a resemblance to the tales of Maharajas converting their Rolls Royce cars into garbage carriers after being disrespected by the company.


Source: topyaps

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