
Fit & finish issues on my Safari: Dealer proactively tries to fix them

Got a call from the dealer after a day to check about the issue and got an apology e-mail from them regretting inconvenience caused

BHPian negi recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

An update on characteristics of Wanderer. Issues raised to TML related to fit and finish during PDI and delivery have been bought to life again. My service manager who resolved seat fabric trim issue called me up and asked about rubber beading issue on doors and windows as TML has asked for same. I was asked to drop the vehicle for TML team inspection. Dropped in morning and went to pickup by evening. They have fixed top corner gap in rear spoiler. Sharp shiny edges protruding out from soft rubber on windows was also tried and fixed to some extent. However, it is still far from seamless finish. I was told that TML team will arrange for material and will try to resolve it again. Used this opportunity of workshop visit to get the DEF top-up.

Got a call from the dealer after a day to check about the issue and got an apology e-mail from them regretting inconvenience caused and was assured the issue will be resolved by TML as per their policy soon. So, issue is still pending till next trial to fix it.

Overall, I did not believe that this will be followed up after initial few interactions but dealer and TML are proactively following-up the issues I mentioned in delivery note. I did get a good feeling that at least they are proactive and serious to resolve the rubber beading issue, even though it has not completely been addressed. Such proactive follow-ups will go a long way in creating positive impact on the customer and creating better ASS perception.

An update on mileage:

Recently did trips to Kashid Beach, Pavana Dam, Bhuleshwar and Malhargarh fort and now its 6300km on ODO in 4 months of ownership. No issues so far. Random restart of infotainment is now expected as normal. I have the  older version v18. Will check if this issue is fixed with latest version during second service.

One feature which is sorely missed is front parking camera and sensors with distance display. I recently scrubbed the front bumper underbody against a small concrete platform just in front of the vehicle while taking it out from parallel parking on roadside. It was around a 1 foot tall concrete platform which was not visible from the driver's seat. While I did take a note of it while parking. I did not judge its distance from front bumper while taking out the vehicle. Result was Wanderer was bought to a halt after initial scrubbing again the top of the platform. However, it is not visible, thanks to ground clearance at the front. I am now seriously on the lookout for a good parking camera and sensors after this incident. Please do suggest some good options in Pune, as showroom ones are of no use.

This is the first incident with Wanderer. However, build and strength of the front bumper looks of high quality, as nothing was broken in the bumper underbody apart from scratches during impact, but corner top of the concrete platform was taken off by this impact. Definitely gives more confidence about the build quality of the vehicle.

Second service is coming up fast. Will share more details about it soon.

Till then,

Keep revving.


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