
Battery pack fails on my Nexon EV: Tata replaces it under warranty

Our dealer was very helpful and professional. They told me they need to call a specialist for checking battery related problems.

BHPian GS300 recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

I would like to keep everyone updated about certain developments with our Nexon EV.

After a year (about 15 months) and 30,000 kms later, about two weeks back, we noticed a problem.

If we drive the car to 40% battery or below and switch it off, when you start the next time, the battery shows 10% or 5% charge only. That means, there is a sudden drop in charge by 30 to 35%.

We observed it twice. It used to only happen if the car was switched off <40% charge, but then once we had the same experience when the car was off at 63%.

Took the car to our dealer - Key Motors. They were very helpful and professional. They told me they need to call a specialist for checking battery related problems. I had to leave the car for a couple of days. The expert came, apparently did some diagnostic tests. Key Motors service person called and said the battery pack need to be replaced.

They placed the order for the battery pack and it came within 4-5 days. The new pack was installed, they ran some tests for a couple of days and then returned the car. All free of charge, since the battery is within the warranty period. Its all fine now.

It was certainly disturbing that the battery pack failed within 15 months. You do not expect engine failures within 1 year of buying an ICE vehicle. But at the same time, it was reassuring that our dealer and Tata motors did not let us down. The help and support was very good, and the overall experience was smooth.

In summary, I remain optimistic about the future of EVs. I will still vouch for them. These issues are acceptable for a new technology. The important thing is for the manufacturer to support early adopters.

PS: I remember buying my first digital camera in the year 2000 (Nikon Coolpix 800 :-). It used to use AA batteries, and sometimes after taking 7 to 8 photos, all the cells had to be changed. But you see how digital cameras have evolved - the same will be the case for EVs.

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