
Apple in talks with CATL & BYD for its electric car batteries

Apple is said to be in the initial stages of talks with CATL & BYD to supply batteries for its upcoming electric car.

Apple is said to have initiated talks with China's CATL and BYD regarding the supply of batteries for its upcoming electric car. According to a media report, the talks are still in the early phases, with an agreement yet to be reached.

As per reports, Apple has set a condition that its potential battery supplier must set up a manufacturing facility in the USA. This condition is said to have been confirmed by a senior official in US President Joe Biden's administration.

Both CATL and BYD are among the largest battery makers in the world, with CATL already supplying its batteries to Tesla. Although both of them have declined to make a comment, the report suggests that CATL is reluctant to set up a manufacturing facility in the USA. The Chinese company is said to be concerned of the costs, as well as the current political tension between Washington and Beijing.

Earlier reports had suggested that the electric car from Apple would include its own battery technology. However, it is unclear if the recent discussions with CATL and BYD included these topics as well.

Apple is said to favour the use of lithium iron phosphate batteries as they are a more affordable option. Earlier reports had also suggested that Apple has targeted 2024 for the production of its electric passenger vehicle. The US tech giant is said to be working on self-driving technology as well.

Source: Reuters

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