
30,000 kms in my 2023 BYD Atto 3: My impressions about the electric car

I've been using the Atto 3 since January 2023 and have covered 30,000 kilometers so far. It has been a delightful and learningful experience with many benefits and a few minor issues.

BHPian Turbo Head recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

I've been using the Atto 3 since January 2023 and have covered 30,000 kilometers so far. It has been a delightful and learningful experience with many benefits and a few minor issues.


Space and Performance: The car offers ample space and impressive performance. Flat floor at rear opens up lot of legroom for rear passengers.

Range and Power/Acceleration: The range is excellent, with the best range being over 500 kilometers and the worst being 283 kilometers (when driving at maximum speeds for most of the duration). Typically, I get around 450+ kilometers in city usage and 400+ on highways.

Interiors: The interior quality and materials are top-notch. There are no unnecessary squeaks, and the doors close with a reassuring German-like thud.

MMI (Multimedia Interface): The large, intuitive, and lag-free MMI system is a pleasure to use, although the speakers could be more powerful.

Cameras and Dashcam: The cameras are excellent, and the inbuilt dashcam provides an added sense of security.


No Spare Wheel: The lack of a spare wheel increases anxiety, especially on long trips.

Steering and Suspension Noise: While there have been some complaints about steering and suspension noise, BYD has promptly addressed and resolved these issues under warranty (though I haven't faced any problems so far).

Aggressive ADAS: The ADAS is overly aggressive, though the latest updates have tamed it somewhat. However, it can still be intrusive and occasionally causes the car to brake abruptly even after being turned off.

LED Headlamps: While the LED headlamps have excellent spread, they lack long-range visibility. The design also restricts the option of adding auxiliary lights due to the lack of fog lamps.

No Seat height adjustment for front passenger, later on planning to use some additional mount to increase the height permanently.

Stock speakers were absolutely crap, I replaced them with Gladen Mosconi Alpha 165 G2.

Range drops excessively in extreme weather, specially summers due to continuous use of AC and heatpump (to cool the battery pack), expect a drop of range upto 25% during extremely hot days.

Some planning is required before leaving for long trips regarding enroute charging stations, distance vs range etc. Even when home charging, one has to keep a tab of SOC, if your days include lot of unplanned trips.

12V battery being a Gel type, died for a lot of users, myself included, thankfully replacement is cheap (3500/-) and provides long term peace of mind and local brand (Exide/Amaron) adds confidence.

Hope I could provide some insight from owner's perspective, though there can be a lot of aspects but it won't be feasily to cover each one, so incase you have any particular query, please let me know, I will definitely try to address the same promptly.


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