
2 aesthetic modifications I did on my Creta for cheap

I had also ordered a pair of convex blind spot mirrors (round ones) to be stuck on the edge of rear view mirrors

BHPian BLACNWHYTE recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Cosmetic & Functional Accessories

Ever since I started taking Panda to office daily and parking her out in the open (my office has mostly open parking) I wanted to get the rain guard door visor. I like to keep the windows open (about 1 cm) while parked out in the sun so that there is at least some space for air circulation. Also, I didn't want to go and close the windows each time when there was rain which became routine during this month.

I searched Amazon and found one with decent rating which was compatible with Panda and I placed the order. The product I received was a little bit different from that in the picture but it looked sleek and fitted perfectly. The adhesive seemed strong enough and so far it has held up. The quality and finishing is less that what had imagined. Have driven at around 90kmph with it and there is no abnormal wind noise.

Cost - Rs. 1059/-

Along with the door visor, I had also ordered that anti fog/ rain repellant film for rearview mirrors. I ordered the one which offered 2 sets which cost Rs. 547/-. I installed them as directed on the package but still ended up with bubbles inside the films pasted on front windows. The films on the mirrors however was properly stuck. This however has turned out to be useless as it worked only for the first couple of times and now water is sticking on to the films. The visibility improvement is about 30% from that when no film was present. The brand used is KeepCart Car Accessories and I would not recommend it. Good thing is that I have an extra set which I will apply after taking this off and I will do that patiently or get it done from someone who can do it properly.

Rear view mirror - Passenger side.

Driver side window film with bubbles. Passenger side has no noticeable bubbling.

I also goofed up while sticking the passenger side window film as I pasted it a bit backwards so only half of the mirror film over lap the viewing angle. Thank God I have another set.

I had also orders a pair of convex blind spot mirrors (round ones) to be stuck on the edge of rear view mirrors but the item was returned to the seller (recalled?) midway through the shipment. I'm now waiting for the refund as it will be effected only when they get back their product. Anyway, I have dropped the plan of getting them for now.

Read BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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