
Worker strike at Mahindra's Igatpuri Plant withdrawn

Mahindra has revoked the suspension of two workers of its Igatpuri plant which was based on disciplinary action, after the suspended workers tendered a written and unconditional apology. 

The President of Bhartiya Kamgar Sena, affiliated to Shiv Sena, Shri Suryakant Mahadik has given an assurance that workers would not indulge in any breach of discipline in the future.

The management has also received a personal assurance from the Shiv Sena President, Uddhav Thackeray, that such instances will not be repeated in future by the plant workers. 

The tool down strike at the company’s Igatpuri plant, which started on 9th April 2013, has since been withdrawn by the workers. Production will soon be restored to normalcy.

Considering the normal pipeline of stock and the assembly of higher number of engines at other plant locations, there was no material impact on sales volume. Going forward, the company expects to build up the pipeline stock.

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