
WB: Valid license for 2-wheeler owners hampers new bike sale

Sales of motorcycles and scooters have fallen sharply in the state of West Bengal after a new rule was introduced by the transport department. As per the rule, buyers must have a valid driver's license and present themselves at the regional transport office (RTO) at the time of registration.

The rule was introduced after increasing instances of underage driving and accidents caused by riders without a valid driving licence. Prior to this rule and elsewhere in the country, it is not required for an owner to hold a driving license - only the person driving the vehicle needs to have it.

According to the Federation of Automobile Dealers’ Association (FADA), monthly 2-wheeler sales in the state have fallen from 1 lakh to just 30-35,000 units after the notification came into force on June 28. Those who buy bikes on loan in the name of their parents are the most affected.

The move was prompted after all attempts by the authorities to get the two-wheeler riders to toe the line failed. While dealers and manufacturers agree with the intention of this rule, they have questioned it as minors are not able to purchase a vehicle in their name and restricting ownership to license holders can't ensure that minors won't be able to ride motorbikes. Further, asking owners to be present at the RTO would be impractical as RTOs lack the infrastructure to process so many applications. Hence, FADA and Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM) have urged the state government to abolish this rule.

Source: Economic Times

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