
Tempted to buy a Jimny due to a sweet deal but already own a Thar 4x4

I am also thinking of getting an Innova Crysta diesel even though I have a Maruti S-Cross in my garage as well. I feel that I am just getting too emotional.

BHPian Inquilab28 recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Hello T-BHPians

I am unable to decide what's the best strategy for my garage and trying to get help from fellow car enthusiasts. Basically, I want someone to knock some sense into my head as I have come to a point where I am unable to make an intelligent decision and getting too emotional.

Current Scenario

  • Have a 2020 Oct S-Cross with the KB15 engine at 38,000 kms. Mostly driven by the driver for the little one and wife's needs like school or visiting in-laws and such. Excellent condition of the car and no complaints from the family. Fully paid off.
  • Have a 2022 Mar Thar at 45,000 kms. Always driven by me and have made quite a few highway and ORR runs in Hyderabad. Runs well and this is my baby. Excellent condition of the car and I have no complaints with it. Loan still on.

Then comes the Jimny, and for a person who loved the Gypsy and MM540 all his childhood, my heart is now pushing me towards getting the Jimny 2023, mostly because I am getting a really sweet deal. I wouldn't have been this tempted if it was the earlier pricing, the new pricing just makes me drool and I am trying to consider this only because I have an opportunity to own it, not that I need it.

Another thought process is, I am pretty shocked that I did 45,000 kms in 24 months and I am dreading the thought of my Thar getting used more than it should and I might have shortened the life of my baby. Every time I start the Thar, I feel more guilty for stressing my Thar (I really feel the Thar is my second kid in the family). I have not used the 4x4 on the Thar more than 10 times maybe. Hardly must have put on 1 km on it with 4H//4L. All the running was on 2H.

How will the Jimny help

  • I might start using Jimny more and this will reduce the burden on the Thar
  • Will have the excitement of getting a Jimny and would fulfil the Gypsy bug
  • The 4 seater might make this a family car when I drive. I am not a fan of sitting in the S-Cross as the car is barely adequate for me from a comfort standpoint.

Now I am going with a few scenarios in my heart. My head is rejecting all of them by the way, full disclosure.

Scenario 1:

  • Keep the S-Cross and Thar and get the Jimny. Use the Jimny and baby the Thar.
  • Impact- will have a new loan to pay off along with the Thar
  • Outcome- will have the Jimny at a good price

Scenario 2:

  • Keep the S-Cross and Thar and get the Innova Crysta. With the diesels running out of the market, getting the Innova might give me an option for a long-term dependable diesel for family trips as a group. The current options are not really good long-drive options
  • Impact- will have a new loan to pay off along with the Thar
  • Outcome- Will have the Innova as the luxury//family car and have a dependable long-drive companion which is very comfortable

Scenario 3:

  • Sell the S-Cross and keep the Thar and Innova Crysta
  • Impact- S-Cross is in very good condition mechanically and I feel guilty about selling it. I am hoping that this might be a good beater car for the future.
  • Outcome- Will have a proven diesel MUV for long-term family usage

The only reason Innova has come into the equation is again a heart vs head thing. I am having the fear of missing out on a capable car which can serve the family for a good 15 years or more if everything works out from the Govt regulatory perspective.

I have to be honest, none of my close friends are car people and I am hoping to get some insight and suggestions from this bunch as I am very sure I would get objective help.

How would you respond to the current scenario I am in?

Here's what BHPian kosjam had to say about the matter:

First of all, why is a high running on the Thar an issue? If the vehicle is giving you happiness, just continue using it. As long as you are not looking at resale prices, you do not need to worry about high running. Just enjoy the vehicle. Just a fraction of the money you save by not buying another vehicle will be needed to maintain the Thar even once you reach 6 digits on the odometer.

You can always go for the 5-door Thar, that too a 2WD version once it's out, as by your own admission you don't really need the 4WD version.

Regarding the S-Cross being your errand car, it's best to keep it, as there is no loan, there are no niggles. Plus, the peace of mind that even if the driver dings it, you will not be emotionally hurt, something which won't hold true if you give a brand new vehicle to the driver. (No offense to your driver).

Regarding diesels, they may be going out of fashion, but they are being replaced with petrol strong hybrids, and they should, at least in the coming future, be as good to drive as the diesels today. The diesels are loved not because they consume diesel fuel, but because of the low-end torque they generate.

Your post lacks the strong conviction to buy the Jimny, it just sounds like you HAVE EXCESS MONEY and need TO BUY SOMETHING. (I get that you will take a loan, but I guess that isn't a big deal for you)

You wanted some frank opinions, here was mine. Apologies for the blunt approach…

Here's what BHPian VWAllstar had to say about the matter:

Summarised it well. The best way to satiate this feeling is to spend the money on a road trip to throw out the thought of selling any car. Most of us envy people who get to drive more than 20K km a year. And here you are doing just that and wish to reduce it only because you want to 'baby' the Thar? Cars are meant to be driven and there is no upper limit on how many km it should be driven a year to age it. Yes, there will be wear & tear for which we have service intervals based on either km or year.

I don't have anything other than what has been already said by Kosjam. Keep the S-Cross as a beater and put more (s)miles on the Thar!

Here's what BHPian asit.kulkarni93 had to say about the matter:

You have a comfortable family crossover and a good 4x4 SWB SUV. What else do you need? Enjoy the Thar and use the S-Cross for family trips. Why add unnecessary financial burden unless your needs are going to change or your existing cars are too old? You really think you will like the engine on the Jimny after the Thar?

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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