
Getting back to riding after 2 years: Buy bike directly or rent first?

Triumph Tiger has always been a dream and they seem to have a very good resale value.

BHPian MileCruncher recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Reviving this old thread to put forth my dilemma and seek some advice from fellow brethren!

The last post on this thread was in March 2016. That was almost 8 years, a lifetime ago. Since then life has taken many turns. I moved from Bangalore to Mumbai in Oct 2016, riding my Duke 390 to the new city. When I moved to Mumbai, the odo was at 20XXX. Over the next 5-6 years, the bike travelled only 1500 odd Kms including 1 long ride from Mumbai to Pune and back. In late 2018, I also got married and wifey happens to be super scared of bikes courtesy of too many accidents in childhood.

So, years of extremely low use + lockdown + standing still etc etc led to Duke's almost demise. Finally in May 2022, with a very heart, I had to let go of it. At that point in my life, there were too many floating elements, hence I wasn't even sure if I would get on the saddle again. Felt that the riding phase of my life was a closed chapter.

Fast forward to Jan 2024, life is more settled with a certain sense of predictability and travelling bugs being taken care of either through flight trips or road-tripping on 4 wheels. We did last-moment Mum - Ahmd - Mum in November and then Mum - Goa - Mum in Dec.

Despite nice cushy road trips in the car, the heart still felt something amiss. And finally, things kinda articulated themselves when I saw the Royal Enfield Bikes on Rent ad on social media.

That's when it became clear, that I have been yearning for the freedom of two wheels, the twist of the wrist to the crazy seat of the pants feel, the feel of the twisties to the wind on the body. I have always felt biking as a medium to invigorate the soul and this urge was finally raising its head. Again.

But how do you convince the better half? I equated her passion for the jungles and the mountain to my passion for being a rider. Things that we connect to and things that stir our souls!

Finally persuaded her, albeit begrudgingly, to accompany me on a couple of test rides. And she heard some of the conversations I had with the sales guys at RE and KTM respectively (and she now knows the true price of the bikes). She even asked me yesterday " Are you going to buy a bike" to which my sheepish answer was "No no! No way!" But then who are we kidding? Am sure she also knows which way the wind is blowing!

But truth be told, I don't know if I should buy a bike. Especially given the low mileage it will endure. My office home is 3Kms each way, which will be by car. The car runs about 800-850 Kms/ month unless there is a road trip to Alibaug, Pune or further. Some of that leisure travel will move to the bike. Maybe some long distance once a year. But either way, I don't foresee the bike crossing more than 5K kms in a year.

So, should I buy a bike and keep it at home or rent out bikes from RE or KTM at 2-3K/ Day for a couple of days to fulfil the urge? The heart says " Need a Bike" while the mind says "Don't be so wanton with your wants". Anyways time will tell, the path I end up choosing.

However, if I buy a bike, I don't want to splurge more than 5-6L, especially given the low usage. Some disjointed thoughts:

  1. I tested the Interceptor 650 and liked the riding feel and the pull. But RE at 4L without bells and whistles? Really?
  2. Haven't ridden the 390 Adv but I like the look. However, I had the duke for 7.5 years. Almost the same engine but in a different mould. Pricing seems to be apt.
  3. Tiger has always been a dream and they seem to have a very good resale value. I'm seeing 7-10-year-old low mileage bikes on OLX. Can I look at such old well-maintained bikes?

Look forward to all your thoughts and input!

Here's what BHPian Jeroen had to say on the matter:

At the end of the day, it is a personal choice of course. I go about these matters slightly differently. When it concerns matters such as hobbies, (in my case cars, bikes, bicycles, boats, and planes) I probably rely more on my heart than my wallet. Or to put it differently, I don't try to make my decisions too rational.

I learned one thing from my dad., He believed in never doing things by halves. So when I showed interest as a young boy in a model train set he bought me one. But he did not just buy the starter pack. He bought a bunch of additional track, points, two extra engines and a whole bunch more. He did not believe a simple starter pack, with just a little oval of track would be good enough to start such a hobby.

I always remember that. I also think there is a huge difference between renting and buying. For me, part of the pleasure I derive from my cars, or my boat, is the ownership! Yes, it also provides for many headaches and substantial costs as well. But to me, owning my own stuff is what is important. Renting a bike and going on a few trips is nice, but it would never give me that ultimate feeling of me and my bike I like.

If I buy a bike I am going to enjoy it, no matter what! Being out there on your own bike is a completely different feeling than doing it on a rented bike. At least, for me. No comparison.

Each to its own of course. When it comes to these matters I am all in or all out. There is no middle ground! And when you approach a new hobby with a 1000% I want this feeling, you are very likely to enjoy it, no matter what.

Good luck with your choice.

Here's what BHPian BreezeRiDrives had to say on the matter:

I was under similar circumstances during the H1 of 2023. Had (still have) a RE Thunderbird first generation bike, which is kinda end of life now, due to less riding, a little flood affected & RC expired during the Covid time, did not get a chance to renew & revive it (am lazy).

Once the office commute started post-Covid, we (wife & me) felt the need for a 2-wheeler for general errand runs and short city rides, as taking my SUV for such runs was not practical in Bangalore. Bought a new TVS Jupiter 125 in February 2023, after riding it quite a bit, as I had to complete the run-in period and initial services, the keeda of riding got to me. After a month or so, I wanted a bike which has good power, hence went in on a full-on hunt to find what fits me well, that by itself is a story, but will save it for another time/ thread. Finally, by Oct-2023 I purchased a used Kawasaki Versys 650. Am enjoying the rides on it every time I take her out, already clocked 3.5K on her in 3 months.

Now coming back to your story, 2 dilemmas to solve:

  • Which Bike?
  • Rent or Purchase?

My suggestion would be to rent bikes to start with, which would give you the flexibility & freedom to identify what style of bike fits you better. Test riding new bikes won't give you the exact feel of how a bike would age and how it behaves after clocking a few thousand miles on it. Each bike has its own unique character, which needs to synch with the rider for a perfect balance. Once you get to ride a few types of bikes for considerable distances, am sure you would be able to shorten your wishlist to one or two bikes.

Now, once you identify what bike (1 to 2 max) you want, try renting them for some more time and enjoy the rides, after a while, you will feel if you are happy to continue the same or if you would want a personalized bike and if you would use the bike frequently.
Considering your experience of low miles on vehicles (ironic TBHP user name though ), instead of going for a new bike I would recommend a pre-loved one, for which you may have to wait a bit and find the right one as I waited for 6 to 7 months.

Hope you get to choose your ride soon..!!!

Here's what BHPian aargee had to say on the matter:

Pls do both!

  • Rent a motorcycle for a year and experiment with different brands, models & styles. One day you'll get to know whether you need to buy one or not when it's time...
  • Buy one

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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