
Frustrating ordeal with my Renault Kiger: 3 breakdowns in 8 months

The car broke down in the first fortnight of purchase.

Shreas Rajadhyaksha recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

We purchased a Renault Kiger dual-tone RXZ top-end variant in August 2022 from Renault Fatimanagar, Unnati Vehicles, Pune. The car broke down in the first fortnight of purchase and below is point by point detail of the events that occurred:

  • The car broke down as there was an oil leakage near the gearbox side. They mentioned this was due to a pipe sliding out and therefore the leakage.
  • This happened at a distance less than 5 km from the service centre, but Renault RSA was so horrible that the towing van took four hours to reach the spot.
  • We took it up with Renault management and insisted that we wanted our money back or a car replacement to the vehicle since the car had broken down in such a short span of taking the vehicle.
  • Renault after sales team pitched in and along with senior technical members from Chennai, they assured that the car was perfectly ok and that the oil leakage was a one-off incident.
  • Renault management offered us an extended warranty and extended service and unlimited accessories.
  • While we were completely adamant to accept this, they insisted we take it as goodwill and trust their word that the car was perfectly ok and there would be no further instances of the car breaking down.
  • After much strenuous discussion, we agreed and decided to trust their word. We took the car home that day since our toddler son was at home alone and we had to rush back.
  • Next day, we received an email from the Renault service centre stating extended warranty and extended service would be given. However, accessories worth only Rs 15,000 would be given. This was a blatant lie from their executive Mr Kunal Muni who was very arrogant and denied making any such commitments (we have all on record these discussions).
  • After much ado, their service centre head agreed on accessories worth Rs 50,000 and extended warranty service.
  • The vehicle ran well for a couple of months but kept giving heating issues, AC cooling problems etc. on the go.
  • When we approached Renault, they said that since the vehicle is turbocharged, these problems will always exist.
  • Cut to April 2023, we had gone to a nearby resort in Pune. While on our way back, the car refused to start.
  • We called the service centre guys who arranged for an alternate vehicle and towing van.
  • After keeping the vehicle for 4 days, they found the fuel pump was damaged. Imagine the pump getting damaged in six months of car
  • manufacture.
  • They replaced the fuel pump as a part of the car warranty and drove the car for 50 km approximately (that is what they mentioned to us at least).
  • After using our fuel to test the car, they never compensated the cost of this fuel. Nevertheless, they found the car to be in top condition for usage once again.
  • 8 days later, my family and I were returning from a friend's place at midnight and the car broke down on the highway at 1 AM.
  • Upon checking by service centre guys, it was found that the fuel pump was again the problem. The couplers this time were loosely fitted and therefore the car stopped working, all this in just 7 days of previous repair!
  • The car currently is again giving problems in pickup and AC cooling. If we switch on the AC, the car just refuses to pick up and there is always a fear instilled in us that it may break down at any time.
  • We are insisting that Renault give our money back since this car is certainly a terrible product and our life is at stake due to this product.
  • Renault however has been using its after-sales team to fool us into believing the car is completely OK and we should not worry. Three breakdowns in eight months, this result speaks for itself.

Vehicle history:

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