
10 years & 100000 kms with my Honda City: Ownership summary

Car is in its 10th year and still feels and works like new.

BHPian pravint recently shared this with other enthusiasts:

I am happy to share that, My Honda city has completed 1,00,000 Kilometers this week. Car is in its 10th year and still feels and works like new.

Things I have changed in last 10 years:

  • Tyres First Set at 40000km: Stock Bridgestone B250 to Yoko Bluearth AE50
  • Brakepads: Almost every 30000 KM
  • Regular Oil change/Service at 10000 KM
  • Tyres 2nd Set at 85000Km: Yoko to Conti UC6
  • Apart from this, car is still on stock clutch, suspension.

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