
Why I bought a used Honda Activa instead of an Electric scooter

The acceleration was quick and responsive. I had driven my friend's 5G before and in comparison to that, it felt a little better.

BHPian @torquistic recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

So, it all started a month back when I had taken suggestions for buying a scooter for my daily chores. I had the option of either buying a used petrol scooter or an electric one . The link for the thread here. In the meantime I got my learning license made thanks to BHPian @som9729. So after taking suggestions from the BHPians and my fellow friends, I decided to buy a used Activa and started to look for it in the used two wheelers market and online platforms like OLX etc.

Although I resisted buying the scooter from a dealer (I'm afraid of their malicious activities), eventually my scooter was bought from a dealer. The vehicle was bought in 2018, had 10k on the odometer and was in all good condition. The tyres were changed by the owner itself before he sold it off. The vehicle was checked out by my father and his friend and they were impressed by it. Later that day, in the evening I got a test drive of it. Must say I found it really pretty. I took a round although a very short one but it was enough to check the condition of the vehicle. My initial observations were:

  • The acceleration was quick and responsive. I had driven my friend's 5G before and in comparison to that, it felt a little better (don't know why).
  • The body had no dents or scratches. It was in almost new condition.

The vehicle overall ticked all the boxes and costed 55k inclusive of transfer of ownership, insurance etc. So we decided to buy it on monday as I'm a devotee of Lord Shiva. Enough of all this, now posting some pictures of my vehicle.

This keyring was bought specially for my first vehicle.

P.S.- My friends have named this vehicle Sikandar

Read BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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