
UK to introduce new law to penalise reckless cyclists

If the law is passed, cyclists could face the same kind of penalties as drivers.

According to media reports, the UK government will soon be introducing a new law which will penalise cyclists for careless and/or reckless riding.

Sir Iain Duncan Smith, MP, has proposed a new amendment to the Criminal Justice Bill to introduce a new offence - 'causing death by dangerous, careless or inconsiderate cycling and causing serious injury by careless or inconsiderate cycling'. The amendment has already gained a lot of support from ministers and will be included in the Criminal Justice Bill after entering the House of Lords for scrutiny.

If the law is passed, cyclists could face the same kind of penalties as drivers, which include prison terms up to even life imprisonment.

Mark Harper, Transport Secretary, stated, "Most cyclists, like most drivers, are responsible and considerate. But it’s only right that the tiny minority who recklessly disregard others face the full weight of the law for doing so." He further added, "Just like car drivers who flout the law, we are backing this legislation introducing new offences around dangerous cycling. These new measures will help protect law-abiding cyclists, pedestrians and other road users, whilst ensuring justice is done."

However, a pro-cycling lobby group points out that cycles account for just 2% of pedestrian casualties, with the remaining 98% coming from car drivers.

Source: AutoExpress

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