
Tyre upgrade options for a Hyundai Alcazar

I am looking for ride comfort and safety (good braking performance) as major factors.

BHPian funda2max recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Hi all. I will be getting a Hyundai Alcazar in about two weeks. I was looking to upgrade to a better brand tyres. It comes with 215/55 R18 shod with JK tyres rubber. Can you please suggest options available? I am looking for ride comfort and safety (good braking performance) as major factors.

Here's what BHPian a4anurag had to say on the matter:

A quick google search for other tyres available in 215/55 R18 leads to Continental Ultra Contact UC6. Priced roughly at Rs. 12,500.

Here's what BHPian kpzen had to say on the matter:

215/55 R18 is a new size in the market. Limited options available at the moment. Would suggest to use the OEM Aptera for now and upgrade later once the options build up in market.

UC6 is a good value for money tire. Many people are using them in different cars and are fairly happy with it. Since it was launched recently, the life of the tire is unknown.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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