
Tata Punch: No commitment on delivery timeline due to my colour choice

After a couple of hours of discussing on phone, he confirmed that if I change the color now, he can do it and promised me a delivery in the next week.

BHPian arsachdeva recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Hi fellow members,

Well, the thing is I am new here and am eager to start my journey on this forum. So, sharing my experience of booking a Tata Punch Adventure in Atomic Orange.

Unusual color choice, right?

Well, a few friends questioned my choice already so no judgements required. I know I am odd.

I am a fresh driver at 30 and was looking for a car to call my first.

I tried looking for second hand models but didn’t want to spend a lot of money on pre-2016 models. Naturally, didn’t like the cost-convenience ratio of new second hands and thought of booking a new one.

I was a fan of new-gen Tata cars for the simple combo of safety and looks. Had punch in mind for a year and finally booked the car on 8th February this year.

I am from Udaipur and talked with two dealerships about my choice. The first dealer wasn’t too keen on helping us with demo and specifics. He even denied giving me a time for test drive saying he will call back when a car is available (or asked me to visit some other day).

FYI, I am still to receive a call from him.

I thought of going to other dealership. The sales guy there was more professional, gave a thorough demo, showed me ins and outs and even promised to arrange for at home test drive a day later (as there was no car available).

I was happy with the attitude.

So, two days later I took a test drive at home and loved the car, finally.

Booked it on spot but there was a catch.

I informed him about my color choice on which he got confused (and apprehensive). The thing is - i asked the color question during my enquiry too on which the guy told that they have a large chain of dealerships and he would arrange for delivery within this month for sure.

Now, I booked it, reconfirming that my orange punch would be delivered in Feb itself and paid the booking amount.

He asked me to sign a document stating I am myself asking for the color and there would be no change in my decision. I was fine with it.

Now 10 days after booking, I get a call from the guy telling me his manager wants me to write another application about color and only then we may proceed.

I was furious and asked if he was waiting for 10 days that I will change my choice. He said that the order is gone to company but he cannot assure me of a date (10 days after I booked) and now his manager wants a reassurance that I will buy the orange car.

Anyway, I asked him a couple of questions, the answers of which made me feel that the showroom is scared to get allotment and rejection from my side on looking the car in person.

After a couple of hours of discussing on phone, he confirmed that if I change the color now, he can do it and promised me a delivery in the next week. But for orange, he cannot promise me anything (which he promised before booking). Plus, I felt judged and odd that I am paying the money to buy something which is my choice, why are they interfering.

Anyway, I discussed it with family and we realized color is not a deal breaker and changed my booking to Tropical Mist.

Remind you, this is day before yesterday evening.

Yesterday, I got a call that my billing is done and I might get my car this week itself.

The sales guy told me that he was right to suggest in booking a ‘conventional’ color.

I get it - they have stock lying that they want to push. But what’s with this hate for colors that are not conventional.

I mean, as adults, we are sensible enough to make choices. And if my choice is wrong, I’ll learn from it. At least I have a right to experiment.

So, want to understand what’s it with dealerships (and people) pushing you to fit into the ‘black, white, grey’ stereotype?

Anyone having a similar experience? Or have an opinion, do share please.

PS: I am a bit annoyed at friends judging me for odd choices all my life. So, if you want to judge, please do all you can (and write about it even) but make sure to answer my question - what’s it with judgment about odd colors?

I know about resale value, hardships for dealerships and all other sane reasons. What to do if still I want to buy a car in an unconventional color?

Here's what BHPian Safari Persona had to say on the matter:

To me, it sounds like they were simply averting the risk of ordering the car on your behalf only for you to back away at the last minute, leaving them with a tough-to-sell color and potentially incurring a significant loss.

Not justifying what they did, but I don't think they were being judgmental. I honestly think they couldn't care less about which colors their customers are opting for as long their bottom line isn't affected.

As for our personal experience, we recently booked a new car and had a preference for the blue color one anyway, but when we made an attempt to see the others colors in life before we made our final decision, we were pushed really strongly by the sales agent that blue was absolutely the best color and that we should go with it. He seemed genuine, but I can't discount the possibility that they were just trying to push out whatever was available the fastest.

Here's what BHPian revvharder had to say on the matter:

Actually it happens a lot of time that a customer orders an off beat color that is not available with the dealership and neither the color is selling like hotcakes so in a lot of cases dealership in order to reduce their risks try to get more than the booking amount so that the customer does not back off as if they back off the dealer gets stuck with it and god knows for how many months and then there are the weather elements to beat when the car is in the stockyard for extended periods of time.

Earlier it used to be the case with black color and now there are all sorts of color on offer by the manufacturers.

In your case the dealership could have handled it more professionally but i would completely understand their stance too, there is no stereotype it's just wafer thin margins and coupled with their experience they have to take these things into account too.

About judging on colors i don't think anyone on the forum would judge you on the basis of the color of car you have, we have a very diverse number of cars on the forum from Nano/800 to cars costing crores and everyone is equally enthusiastic about their car as the next forum member.

As to what to do, you still can tell the dealership you want that color and tell them you can and you will send the email to them and take delivery of that very car subject to the car passing PDI.

Here's what BHPian FLYBOYSID had to say on the matter:

BTW I like the colour you chose. I used to own a Sunlight Copper coloured SX4. And No I don’t feel I am odd.

Slightly off topic but not too far.

One thing that i gathered so far is that booking any car with Tata Motors is a pain. The end product may make you smile but the wait is shrouded in mystery. I brought a Taigo last year for my dad and am currently waiting for my Safari. My dealer was/is apprehensive even about the Royal Blue coloured Safari.

In both the cases, Tiago in Pune and Safari now in Kanpur, after booking the vehicle there is an uncanny silence from the dealers end. Unlike Mahindra which gives you updates for your bookings (or so i Believe) Tata motors has no such platform. No updates makes the wait very boring if I may say.

I so wish Tata motors could update individual customers somehow. This would have given you as well as your dealer a little more transparency with respect to your booking. As for me, I would like to hear a possible waiting period instead of “ Sir, ussi din order laga diya tha company mein. GM sahab khud dekh rahe hai aapka order.” At just three weeks into the booking, it may be a bit premature for me to be expecting my car, but the itch can’t really be helped.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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