
Spent a Sunday attending the Modern Classic Car Rally 2023 in Mumbai

The turnout was impressive & there were vehicles like the Jaguar E-Type, Chevrolet Corvette, Audi 100 and even a war veteran Hummer.

BHPian parrys recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

I really like to sleep till late on a Sunday morning. The only time I am willing to give up on sleep is either when I am going for my motorcycle ride, or for an auto event.

Last Sunday was spent at the Modern Classic Car Rally 2023 which was jointly organised by Autocar, Vredestein Tyres, Gulf Oil & Autoglym. The event was hosted at the Grand Hyatt hotel in Mumbai, where it all started.

This thread is all about pictures. Pictures of some classics, some modern classics & some vintage cars. Enjoy the visual treat!

It is always a good idea to start a show out in the open, in Mumbai, early in the day:

I have a habit to reach before time. It gives me extra time to sip a cup of coffee peacefully:

But soon, it started to get sunny…

...and crowded:

And this is how it looked before the rally was flagged off:

The turnout was impressive.

Jaguar E-Type

The older it gets, the better it looks!

Citroen DS

French styling at its best:


The war veteran:

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