
Spend 1.2 lakhs, FNG, DIY or Ignore my BMW X3's dented rear bumper?

Or how about just ignoring and living with it? It's not very visible, unless you are looking for it...

BHPian CosmicWizard recently shared this with other enthusiasts:

Hi, after 3 blissful years of incident-free ownership of my 2021 X3, law of averages finally caught up with me and woke up to see the below dent in the rear black plastic bumper It most probably was doing of valet guy of a star hotel I visited early this week but can't do much as I didn't notice it then.

BMW ASS has given me estimate of Rs 1.2L, which means involving insurance, taking hit on NCB bonus and leaving car at garage for a week atleast.

Will taking it to an FNG be any cheaper? Any recommendations in Bangalore (whitefield) area for the same?

DIY: I have seen youtube videos of people pouring hot water, using heat guns to pop the dent out from plastic bumpers but my assessment tells me that DIY will not be easy. I see the bumper is quite thick and riveted to blue one and heating them in place to pop them out may not fit my skill levels.

Or how about just ignoring and living with it? It's not very visible, unless you are looking for it but I do plan to keep the car for another 5-7 years, so...

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