BHPian rajathv8 recently shared this with other enthusiasts.
I was intrigued by the infamous Anmod ditch so I clicked a few pics here to document it. It is indeed a monster. This is not a ditch that can be taken at slow speed. The drop is too much and it WILL hit even at crawling speed. My A-Star took a hit as well - 170mm GC and lightly loaded. It all depends on the approach.
Easy - it is at the turn to Doodhsagar Jungle Resorts.
Set Doodhsagar Jungle resorts as a stop on Gmaps and watch out for the deviation from the main road to identify the spot.
Without the above, it is not easy to identify the location. I witnessed many sudden braking incidents during my recee - it scared even the likes of XUV700, XUV500, Hector and an Endy. The 500 kicked up quite some dust while braking but none of them got a hit.
There are 3 points of interest:
Look for annotation in the images:
Notice the Doodhsagar Jungle Resorts board on the left:
More images:
Notice the marks on the concrete edge and the broken car parts visible:
This spot is in a densely forested area with significant rain and truck traffic. The optimal approach will change with time so best to walk it out of required.
Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.