
Parking issues lead to conflict with my neighbour: How do I resolve it

I have complained about him to my owner, his owner as well as society but he is not listening to anyone.

BHPian Draunzer21 recently shared this with other enthusiasts:

Hello BHPians,

There is a guy living in another wing in our society and has a car park right next to me and he parks his 2 wheeler as well in the space which is between the 2 cars. There is dedicated parking available for 2 wheelers where anyone can go and park but this guy refuses to do so. I have complained about him to my owner, his owner as well as society but he is not listening to anyone.

Last week his wife was removing their Scooty and made a scratch on my car, when confronted, the guy and his wife told me that the scratch is because I did not drive properly, they did not hit the car at all. They are of the opinion that I bumped into their Scooty while reversing and got a scratch.

This is how the parking looks. Yellow line is his 2 wheeler and the space between 2 parks is really less where one 2 wheeler can fit but it is difficult to remove/park it without scratching one of the other car.

Can you suggest what can I do in this case? The guy is very adamant and does not listen to anyone. One option I am considering is parking my Apache in between his car and my car and doing a tit for tat.

Here's what BHPian govigov replied:

If the other guy is a tenant, take it up with the owner, if not the association. Get a dashcam that records this, and if there are cameras from the building that captured the incident try to get that as well.

Mediate well and in front of others in the association if he says, parking there is free for all, well, then apache or an old cycle in that slot is a fair game.

Here's what BHPian am1m replied:

Quick solution, ask him to leave it unlocked, so you can move it when you need to remove your car without any damage to either vehicle.

It sucks to be polite to people with no civic sense. Trust me, I know. Like I posted earlier, I've had to do it in my neighborhood. But it's far better than any of the alternatives- tit-for-tat, getting into arguments that easily escalate, or going the legal route (which will benefit no one except the corrupt police).

Again, recently I was facing a fresh issue. The house opposite ours has some new tenants, on the ground and first floors. So between all of them, there are a total of 5 bikes and two cars! In a house that has barely space for 2 bikes and a neighborhood that has narrow roads. So 3 bikes and a car are parked outside, and another car is parked god knows where, but comes once in a while to pick up people!

Initially I had a couple of heated discussions with the bike owners- when they park their bikes outside, it becomes difficult to remove our car (of course we are ones at fault and should be penalized since we have enough parking inside, and did not buy more bikes or cars!) Eventually, I wised up, started asking them about their bikes, got into bike discussions, gave them some tips on long distance rides (they were planning a Ladakh ride, I've done that ride twice.) Now we're better acquainted and it's easier to ask them to move their bikes when required. In fact, they do it preemptively now, and also leave them unlocked so I can move them as required.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information

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