
Over 40% buyers want their next car to be electrified

One of the main reasons for the growing interest in electrified vehicles was the COVID-19 pandemic.

The results of a new global survey show that the interest towards electric vehicles is steadily growing. Reports suggest that a rising number of people are considering purchasing their next car with an electrified powertrain. This includes either pure electric, conventional hybrid or plug-in hybrid models.

According to a global survey conducted by EY, 41 percent of the consumers said they would prefer an electrified powertrain on their next car. The survey involved 9000 consumers across 13 countries, including USA, UK, Germany, Australia, India, China and South Korea. However, the results varied depending on the country.

The survey from India showed that only 28 percent would prefer their next car to be electrified, with 65% opting for the traditional IC-engine powered vehicle. Also, 2% of the respondents in India said they would choose hydrogen or fuel cell vehicles, while the remaining 5% were still unsure.

The US market also had a similar result, with 66% preferring IC-engine vehicles and 28% opting for electrified cars as their next purchase.

Having said that, the results were opposite in countries like South Korea and Singapore. The survey showed that 51% in South Korea and 53% in Singapore would prefer an electrified car as their next vehicle, while only 32% and 35% (respectively) continue to opt for IC engine cars.

The survey also revealed that one of the main reasons for the growing interest in electrified vehicles was the COVID-19 pandemic. As per the survey, 78% of potential non-ICE buyers stated that the pandemic heightened their level of environmental awareness - crucially reflecting on their decision to shift to sustainable mobility solutions.

Source: EY

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