
Ola claims 80% market-share and 7.5 lakh rides per day!

Recently, online taxi aggregator Ola, went the app only way. Now the company claims to have a market-share 80% of the online space by the number of registered vehicles (including autorickshaws). In November 2014, Ola commanded about 60% market-share.This figure includes the share of TaxiForSure as well. Ola acquired TaxiForSure earlier this year.

There is no breakdown of the Ola-TaxiForSure share provided by Ola. The market share data was based on “available or estimated data of registered vehicles on respective platforms”. Meru claims that it had 20,000 registered vehicles across 7 cities. Uber did not to disclose its numbers.

Ola also claims that it does 7,50,000 rides every day and has over 250,000 vehicles. It is adding 1,500 vehicles daily.

Earlier this year, Ola mentioned that TaxiForSure had 24,000 cars on its platform and the total number of vehicles was about 1,50,000. Ola claimed to be doing around 2,00,000 rides every day in January 2015 with a month on month growth rate of 35%. Calculations show that the resulting number for July 2015 would be 15,13,358 - approximately twice as much as Ola is claiming at the moment.

Other calculations reveals that if 2,00,000 cars make up 80%, Meru, which has a 12% market-share, has 30,000 vehicles in the 7 cities that it operates in. Uber, which has a 4% market-share and operates in 18 cities, has 10,000 vehicles.

Source: Medianama

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