
New format for reporting road accidents announced

The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) has announced a new format for reporting road accidents in the country. This new format is aimed at making it easier to understand the cause of an accident by analysing the recorded data. This is a part of the central government's efforts to minimize the number of accidents on Indian roads.

Policemen visiting the accident site are currently required to just record basic facts about the mishap, including where and how did the accident take place, details about the persons involved and their statements. These accident reports are often seen to be inaccurate and incomplete as they don't help much to understand the real cause of an accident.

In order to mend this limitation, the government has now approved a new reporting format which will be implemented across the country. This will require the policemen to record detailed information about an accident site. This includes details about the condition of road surface, any underway road construction, type of traffic control around the site, etc. Once these details are recorded, they will then be shared with the road ministry, which will take required steps to eliminate any infrastructure-related error that is causing accidents.

In order to make sure that the policemen are able to easily record the required details, the ministry is planning to organize a workshop to describe the steps that need to be followed to report an accident in the new format.

Source: Hindustan Times

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